Why I Want To Write A College Essay

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I envision my education to be an environment where I am constantly creatively challenged. I want to be challenged because I do well motivating myself to be better and try harder. I want to be challenged because it allows me to learn from my triumphs and failures. I want to be challenged because I want to push myself to discover my passion. These desires to be challenged in my education lead me to pursue transferring to expand my study of communication with an emphasis on design or media. I developed my interest in communications while I was enrolled in my high school leadership program. My committee was responsible for publicizing events and news around the school and community. I look back and see the impact I was making by simply designing a sign. By making a sign I was fulfilling a responsibility as well as creating opportunities for others to enjoy and learn about something new that interested them. I enjoyed the art aspect and media based design of publicity because I find creative designs fascinating. Design is constantly changing and adapting to the expanding world and audience so there is always something to learn or practice getting better at. I knew I wanted to work with the design aspect of communication once I realized I was always enchanted by aesthetically pleasing fonts and …show more content…

Coaching club volleyball and teaching skills and values to young girls has given me the opportunity to develop relationships and deepen my skills when relating to others and having to accommodate the different learning styles and personalities present in every environment. I found my responsibilities purposeful and continue to take pride in the messages I am delivering to players as well as their parents. Communicating through different media’s and to a varied audience continues to be an eye opening experience, which I find beneficial and impactful beyond

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