Why Is Voldemort Wrong

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Voldemort completely understands that his actions are wrong and continues to pursue killing off the main character until it kills him. Voldemort clearly shows no remorse for his actions, he was just born a morbid child. From a young age, he showed interest in causing spontaneous combustion and being the lead to a friends “mysterious” disappearance. Voldemort is constantly punished for his actions throughout his childhood as he is placed in an asylum and other places but still puts action to his morbid thoughts. Throughout J.K. Rowling’s works, you can see that Voldemort works as hard as he can to make himself live as long as possible to pursue his evil actions. In the first book, Voldemort drinks unicorn blood, which one drinks to counter a near-death experience and in return gives you a cursed half-life. He doesn’t care however and as seen in the last book, he has actually been giving pieces of his life to other objects, making it harder for one to kill him. He had given away so many parts of his life that it would be hard not to think he was up to specific actions. …show more content…

In the first book, you are informed that Voldemort kills Harry Potter’s parents, very powerful wizards, but doesn’t think to kill off Harry. Well, Voldemort actually placed part of his life in Harry, making it how Harry would have to die too if Voldemort were to die. Harry, being the protagonist of the stories, already has his antagonist picked out for him as an infant. Harry, being the product of two very powerful wizards, has standards he has to live up to already, but he is also idolized for being the only person to have lived after crossing Voldemort. Harry Potter meets these standards and then some, but inevitably has to take on Voldemort, who has been the root of all the evils Harry Potter has been fighting while in