Why Policies And Procedures May Be Required When Handling And Information

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It is very important that every business and organisation has set procedures that are followed correctly. Procedures are extremely useful as everyone can be trained to do the same thing in the correct manner. Procedures make sure that businesses can handle all situations in the same way, for example health and safety guidelines and policies of the company.
Policies are very important in businesses as they help to ensure that the companies information is kept secure. They are internal and do not effect anyone outside the business however some may follow laws or general guidelines from outside the company. In this case polices have to be used to control the maintenance of computer systems. They will get the employees to sign an agreement to make sure that they abide by their policies. This assists in protecting the company from being held responsible for the actions of an employee should they break these rules. Along with the policies the are laws such as the Data Protection Act and the Computer Misuse Act 1998 which stops people with access to computer systems from misusing them.
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This is why policies and procedures help to create an easy way to which a company can adhere to. Policies and Procedures help to direct how people operate by informing them in the guidelines on what things are acceptable and which are not and also how different situations should be dealt with. An example of this would be if the was a fire in the building then the organisation would have health and safely policies and procedures which the employees would have been informed about. If they hadn't informed them beforehand then they could find themselves in deep trouble and also with the

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