Write An Essay On Censorship In Schools

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Britanica defines censorship as “the practice of officially examining books, movies, music, and self-expression and suppressing unacceptable parts.” Both the First Amendment (your legal rights) and censorship limit you to what you can and can’t do. The three areas of censorship are dress, speech, and literature. Huffpost.com says that Michelangelo’s “The Last Judgement” was considered the earliest form of censorship.
The court case Tinker v. De Moines was a dress censorship case involving some students (Tinker) and the staff of the De Moines area. Tinker and his friends were suspended from school for wearing armbands that protested the Vietnam war. The students knew this was a violation of their First Amendment …show more content…

Marineau with Zachary Guiles as the plaintiff. In this case, Guiles wore a shirt that portrayed President Bush as a chicken-hawk president, and a former alcoholic/cocaine abuser. A teacher had told him to cover it up so he covered it with Duct Tape with the word “Censored” across it. He was given a referral which resulted in him taking the school to court. In the end, his referral was expunged, but the school was right in saying his shirt was offensive.
Literature is another area of censorship that has gone to court. Arkansas Parents v. Cedarville School Board is a great example. In this case, the Arkansas Parents took the school board to court for restricting access to the Harry Potter book series. In the end, the ruling was in favor of the Cedarville School Board since it was not a violation of rights.
Zykan v. Warsaw is another case that involves literature. In this case, Brooke Zykan wanted to reverse the decision to “limit or prohibit the use of certain textbooks/books from the library, and to delete certain courses from the curriculum. The case was soon dismissed due to the fact that the school board had the right to establish a curriculum on the basis of its own