Yosemite National Park Assignment

695 Words3 Pages

Statement of intent
I intend to make a modern responsive website to promote Yosemite national park. This website is intended for people with a general interest in the park. The website that is created should use a simple colour palette and should be simple to navigate single scroll website.
One source of inspiration for my website is the original Yosemite national park website (https://ww w.nps.gov/yose/index.htm). I think this website is badly designed and I thought I could do better. I wanted to make a single scroll website because they are quite popular at the moment and are much better than the Yosemite national park website. One single scroll website I took inspiration from is patates & cow (http://patatesandcow.com/) this website although it is not a single scroll as it has multiple tabs it is …show more content…

I looked mostly at the adobe muse websites of the week.
Week 3
This week I did more reaserch, however, I also started looking at websites that are terrible to figure out what is wrong with them and figure out how I can not make the same mistaques.in this week I chose that I was going to do a single scroll website.
Week 4
This week I started to practise using muse and made a practise website. Next I desined the top bar of my website.
Week 5
This week I desined the logo and desided on the final logo which I based my website around.
Week 6
This week I started working on my accual website.
Week 7
I continued working on my main website on this week I put in most of the images and the parrallax scrolling.
Week 8
This week I added the logo into the top and put in most of the text and the contact form at the bottom.
Week 9
I started working on my mobile desine for my website.
Week 10
Continued working on my mobile desine and made most of the desine decisions on how I moved the descop desine to mobile
Week 11
Created my folio and

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