Amitai Etzioni Essays

  • Summary Of Working At Mcdonalds By Amitai

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    The piece of literature “Working at McDonalds” written by Amitai Etzioni in Readings for Writers discusses and argues the many reasons why teenagers working within the fast food industry are impacted negatively. Etzioni does weigh-in on both the pros and cons but includes research and persuasive knowledge to prove that teenage employees working at jobs such as McDonalds is nothing more than blind obedience, skill-less work, and a distraction from their education. To support his thoughts regarding

  • Analysis Of Working At Mcdonald's By Amitai

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    The topic of teenagers having jobs while in high school can be considered controversial and is definitely one that generates a lot of opinion both for and against this practice. Mr. Amitai Etzioni’s has a negative position on this issue as was stated in his article “Working at McDonald’s”. I on the other hand believe that having a job is a way for teenagers to learn how to be independent and obtain good working skills that will stay with them for a lifetime. This essay is an argument pro teenagers

  • Working At Mcdonald's By Amitai

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    students- teaching them skills and providing work experience- not everyone thinks so. In his essay “Working at McDonald’s”, Amitai Etzioni explains to his readers why part time jobs in fast food restaurants and places like them are bad for high school students. Firstly, he claims that there is no room for advancement on the career ladder at these part time jobs, but this is not true. Etzioni states that “fast-food chains and other such places of work (record shops, bowling alleys) keep costs down by having

  • Working At Mcdonald's Summary

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    his essay “Working at McDonald’s”, Amitai Etzioni explains to his readers why part time jobs in fast food restaurants and places equivalent to them are suboptimal for high school students. Firstly, he claims that there is no room for advancement on the career ladder at these part-time jobs, but this is not true. Stating that “fast-food chains and other such places of work (record shops, bowling alleys) keep costs down by having teens supervise teens” (262), Etzioni completely contradicts his overall

  • Analysis Of What To Do With The Kids This Summer? Put Em To Work

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    Currently, 55.3% of teens aged 16-24 across the US are employed and in the workforce. This raises the question, what is so beneficial for the workforce, that teens employ from the age of 16-24? In Ben Sasse's article, "What to Do with the Kids This Summer? Put ’Em to Work", he addresses his direction towards how teenagers should spend their time during the summer. He settles that teenagers should be put into the work environment to demonstrate good ethics and qualities of being a U.S. citizen instead

  • Steven J Dick The Importance Of Exploration

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    Space has always been a place of curiosity for human beings; whether we should worship the gods that hide right behind the stars or simply dream to explore it one day. As we move into the 21st century, some people still question what actions should be considered when thinking about space travel. The argument separating the two sides, centers around the possibility of an Earth that has become unsustainable for the inhabitants. “Mars can wait. Oceans can't” and “The Importance of Exploration”

  • Analysis Of Working At Mcdonald's By Etzioni

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    McDonald's ", Etzioni claims that fast food chains are terrible and don't give significant working background or order to kids. Etzioni contends that restaurants such as KFC, and McDonalds no matter how successful are bad jobs for kids and teens. Etzioni gives brilliant defense to his contention and gives illustrations to bolster his point. He can't help the way that McDonalds trains its representatives and abandons them with no space for creativity. For instance in this article Etzioni says that in

  • A Critique Of The Science Of Muddling Through By Charles Lindblom

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    It appears that the city used the incrementalist approach as described in the article by Amitai Etzioni. When setting this policy the administration clearly only considered a few consequences that they considered to be important(Etzioni). If they had applied Etzioni’s mixed scanning approach they may not have missed this consequence at all and Cranick would have been able to pay at the scene of the fire for the

  • Working At Mcdonald's By Etzioni

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    (89). In Amitai Etzioni's "Working at McDonald's" essay, he argues how holding part-time jobs while still attending high school "undermine school attendance and involvement" (249). While both Thomson and Etzioni describe what it is to work in a specific type of environment, Thompson immerses himself in the job and Etzioni argues that working while still in high school should be avoided. Despite their differences in their type of work, these two essays have many similarities. Etzioni states that

  • Amitai Etzioni's Analysis

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    may not provide them with skilled-based opportunities. In his essay, Amitai Etzioni, points out the bad influence fast-food chains, such as MacDonald’s, have on the students they employ. He thinks that working in fast-food chains can contribute to academic problems. The debate over whether or not students should work during school especially in fast food chain is currently a very controversial topic. I personally support Amitai Etzioni’s idea that working in fast food chains can negatively impact

  • Summary Of The New Community Etzioni

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    The arguments and views Amitai Etzioni can be seen in today’s society. Etzioni argues that people are penetrated by social, culture, and moral influences. Etzioni is the head of the Communitarian Movement. His main focuses is reestablishing the link between rights and responsibilities. According to Etzioni, each person must do their part in the community. Etzioni claims that society’s biggest problem is the excesses of economic freedom. Living a simpler lifestyle, Etzioni argues, would benefit

  • Working At Mcdonald's Summary

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    I like Amitai Etzioni 's article because it is from the real world. Now, I am in a similar situation, and I understand how hard it is to distribute time for study, work, household duties, and leisure. It would be great if every teenager studied well at school, then at university, and then worked happily for the chosen profession all his life. Such a happy model sometimes happens but not with all people. Most people need to have the experience to make a choice of profession. In the article Working

  • Napoleon Bonaparte Accomplishments

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    physical occupation of another territory with the primary purpose being for that occupation to act on the interests of the occupying power and preclude the occupied territory from becoming an adversary or source of insecurity. The political scientist Amitai Etzioni describes nation building as three different, but related tasks “unification of disparate ethnic groups; democratization; and economic reconstruction .” This concept of nation building carries with it the themes of fostering new identities at

  • Fast Food Jobs Stereotypes

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    Etzioni says that “Many teens find the instant reward of money and the youth status symbols it buys, much more alluring than credits in Calculus courses, European history or Foreign languages. No wonder quite a few would choose to skip school and certainly

  • Space Exploration Persuasive Essay

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    young girls? In this same LinkedIn survey, only around 2% of girls wanted to follow a career in this same industry. Government funding enthusiasts support the funding by describing how it inspires young minds to become scientists and explorers, (Etzioni), but private sector enthusiasts developed another standpoint. To inspire both boys and girls, the private sector believes seeing a woman rise to the rank of CEO, head engineer, or some other important title, will result in a larger intrigue from

  • Tony Blankley's Article 'Yes, We Need Censorship'

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    past wars were useful to support my argument because it had instances of when censorship was exercised. Etozoini, Amitai. “Censorship of War Undermines Public Trust.” USA Today. 23 Oct 2001. The article, “Censorship of War Undermines Public Trust,” was viewed on – written by Amitai Etzioni on October 23, 2001. The events

  • Artificial Intelligence Essay

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    Artificial Intelligence (AI) is the ability of the computer to do things that people normally do. It is also an academic field which studies how to create computers that are capable of intelligence behavior. There are three different ways to develop a computer with artificial intelligence. The first method is to build systems that think exactly like people (Hammond, 2015). This is called a ‘strong AI’. The second method is getting the system to work. In other words, they have built a system that

  • The Importance Of Diversity In College Campuses

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    Being around those who are different makes it easier for individuals to determine who exactly they are or who they hope to be. In his essay on community, Amitai Etzioni argues, “the good society seeks to cultivate only a limited set of core virtues than a thick set of values” (9). In the community that is a college campus, students each have their individuality. But being a student at college means entering a

  • The Pros And Cons Of 9/11

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    September 11th, 2001, was the day everything in America would change. On the day of September 11th, 2001, four commercial airline planes where hijacked by 19 al-Qaeda militants. Two planes were flown into the World Trade Center, one plane crashed into the Pentagon, and the last one crashed into a field in Pennsylvania. In total, almost 3,000 civilians would die, making it the saddest day in American history. In the book; Scapegoats of September 11th: Hate Crimes and State Crimes in the War on Terror

  • Compare And Contrast Ocean Vs Space Exploration

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    healthiest meats out there. “Fish and mollusks provide an "important source of protein for a billion of the poorest people on Earth, and about three billion people get 15 percent or more of their annual protein from the sea," says Matthew Huelsenbeck” (Amitai 68). On the issue of food, NASA is atypically mum. It does not claim it will feed the world with whatever it finds or plans to grow on Mars, Jupiter, or any other place light years away. The oceans are likely to be of great help. With food, energy