CERN Essays

  • Tim Berners Lee's Accomplishments

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    the World Wide Web and one of Time Magazine’s ‘100 Most Important People of the 20th Century’, Sir Tim Berners-Lee is a scientist and academic whose work has changed many parts of our lives. He invented the World Wide Web in 1989, while working at CERN. He wrote the first web client and server in 1990. His specifications of URIs, HTTP, and HTML were great as web technology spread. Tim Berner-Lee is Director of the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C), a web standards organization founded in 1994 that

  • Essay About The Pros And Cons Of The Internet

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    The pros and cons of the internet In the present time, the internet is more popular today than it was year ago. As technology advances, the use of the Internet grows yonder and is an amazing addition in our lives. Some people think the internet is very important to many people around the world because it helps them to contact something are essential for them and sometimes they want to contact to some people who is miss ,they family or who is you want see them face, the internet can help you. Sometime

  • The Disadvantages Of Online Reading

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    Abstract Web and communication technology has advanced at fast speed that youngsters, adolescence and grown-ups are identically persuaded to novel technology. Web is commonly used as a medium for disseminating information. Online reading is a state of continuous connectivity. Reading habits vary from individuals from individuals. The inclusive usage of the Internet and the usage of added reading resources predominantly by means of hypertext and multimedia have thru into drastic deviances in reading

  • Tim Berners Lee Accomplishments

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    is moved through a network. This has helped the internet evolve into what we use today. Tim Berners-Lee has been the help that has shaped the internet. The first web page was created by Mr.Berners-Lee. He invented the World Wide Web in 1989 while at CERN. He wrote the first web client and server in 1990. His URIs, HTTP, and HTML specifications were refined as Web technology spread. Tim Berners-Lee changed the world. It's making it easier for people to get information, share, and communicate by connecting

  • Hadron Collider Advantages And Disadvantages

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    Collider (LHC) is known as the most powerful particle accelerator that exists today. After an upgrade, the LHC now operates at an energy which is now about 7 times greater than any previous machine built to date. It is based at CERN 's particle physics laboratory near Switzerland. CERN is known as the worlds largest laboratory and is dedicated to pursuit fundamental science.  The LHC allows scientists to be able to reproduce the conditions that had existed within a billionth of a second after the Big Bang

  • Pros And Cons Of The Large Hadron Collider

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    The CERN Large Hadron Collider (Or LHC) is a particle accelerator – the largest and most powerful accelerator in the world right now. Located near Geneva, Switzerland, the Large Hadron Collider’s mission is to force particle collisions so that they can be observed. The Large Hadron Collider is twenty-seven kilometres in circumference, and is also located partly in France. There are four main parts to the Large Hadron Collider - LHCb, ALICE, CMS, and ATLAS. LHCb (LHC-beauty) looks for antimatter,

  • Tim Berners-Lee: Appropriate Inventions

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    As defined by a dictionary, an invention is characterized as the art of inventing or devising, and an inventor is defined as a person who creates or invents things. However, such a dry definition does not completely grasp the creativity and genuine pursuit of improvement required to create an invention. The distinctness and uniqueness that separate inventors also separate inventions. Because of this, each invention has its own idiosyncratic function and undoubtedly affects a certain aspect of our

  • Image Of The Illuminati By Kohler's Inferno

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    Robert Langdon is pretty used to some weird things. He is a professor of symbology after all. So, when he gets a phone call in the middle of the night, with a mysterious caller questioning him about the Illuminati, he is only slightly surprised, only because so few people know about them. The Illuminati are a secret society who believe in science above God, and therefore are enemies of the Catholic Church. The members that they know of consisted of Isaac Newton, Galileo Galilei, Bernini and so many

  • Book Summary: The Davinci Code By Dan Brown

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    INTRODUCTION This book was written by Dan Brown and was published on May 2000 by Pocket Books. It was the second book written by him after the successful publish of his first book “The Davinci Code” which is a sequel of Angels and Demons. Its genres include Fiction, Conspiracy, Novel, Crime Fiction, Thriller, Mystery and Speculative fiction. PLOT SUMMARY An ancient secret brotherhood A devastating new weapon of destruction An unthinkable target SUMMARY (ABSTRACT) This book is basically

  • Pros And Cons Of SSC Cancellation

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    was prescient: Europe became the new hub for HEP research at the expense of America; those who warned of this eventuality, however, failed to elucidate the meaningful harm of it. In 2013, scientists at the European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN) in Geneva proved the existence of the Higgs boson using a facility that already had the infrastructure to support the project. If the science could be done anyway at a much cheaper price, does that not benefit science worldwide? National pride is

  • Angels And Demons Research Paper

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    Robert Langdon is a Havard symbologist who studies in an ancient secret brotherhood known as the Illuminati. He was summoned to CERN, a Swiss research facility, to analyze a mysterious symbol seared into the chest a murdered theo-physicist named Leonardo Vetra . The physicist had created anti-matter with his adopted daughter, Vittoria. The anti-matter, which can be turned into an explosive weapon that could destroy a whole city, was stolen by the muderer. They later found it to be located in the

  • Personal Narrative Analysis

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    “I'm looking for a fixer-upper with a solid foundation. Am willing to tear down walls, build bridges, and light fires. I have great experience, lots of energy, a bit of that "vision thing" and I'm not afraid to start from the beginning.” Steve Jobs When I finished the book I decided. Engineering is the way. This quote opened very large doors, because I started thinking with another mind, an open mind and I started having a world vision that I thought I would never have. I’ve always been curious and

  • Furman Personal Statement

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    seemed too theoretical for my taste. At this time I was looking into cutting-edge physics research to see if there were any that I was excited about. It was only then that I found a solution to my problem. During my research on places like Oak Ridge and CERN, and found that I was much more impressed by the engineering involved in these huge machines and reactors than the actual physics being studied. I began to explore the world of engineering, and I loved it. Last summer I had to

  • Final Essay

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    to urban legend, the Internet was not invented by Al Gore. The modern day Internet began in 1989 when a British scientist named Tim Berners-Lee invented the World Wide Web (WWW). He collaborated with the European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN) and in 1993 they made the WWW publicly accessible (McPherson, 2009 & Pew Research, 2014).

  • Eugene Sanger Uses Antimatter As Their Power Source For Propulsionpose

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    Matter-antimatter explosion transfers complete mass of both objects into energy. Attempts are being made to increase the production of antimatter at Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory (FNAL) and The European Laboratory for Particle Physics (CERN) to extend the energy range of particle collision experiments. [1]Studies reveal that matter-antimatter annihilations yield the highest specific impulse and jet power of any propulsion system. Furthermore, it can yield specific impulses on the order

  • Medical Attendants

    1000 Words  | 4 Pages

    Another element that impacts the QWL of medical attendants is the work connection, including administration hones, relationship with associates, proficient advancement opportunities and the workplace [8-10,12]. Potential wellsprings of disappointment with administration practices incorporate absence of cooperation in choices made by the medical attendant supervisor, absence of acknowledgment for their accomplishments, and absence of admiration by the upper oversee ment [8,10]. Reported discoveries

  • Informative Essay: The Seven Wonders Of The World

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    Although, I do not know what you are wondering, but you should be wondering about the 7 wonders of the world. Think of it as a perfect travel itinerary from a long, long, long time ago. The Seven World Wonders today are labeled as Chichén Itza in Mexico, Christ the Redeemer a Statue in brazil, Colosseum in Italy, Taj Mahal in India, Great Wall of china, Petra in Jordan, and the Machu Picchu in Peru. Those are great things, but I believe we need to dig deeper than that. I believe the Seven World Wonders

  • Digital Photography Essay

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    DIGITAL PHOTOGRAPHY AND ITS MARKETING STRATEGIES Digital Photography (one of the several forms of digital imaging) refers to a form of photography in which cameras are used which contain arrays of electronic photo detectors are used to capture the pictures which are focused by a lens as opposed to an exposure on photographic film. The images clicked are digitized and stored as a computer file ready for further digital processing, viewing, publishing or printing. Earlier, photographs were made by

  • Rhetorical Analysis Of Social Networking And The Death Of The Internet By Alfredo Lopez

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    The article written by Alfredo Lopez “Social Networking and the Death of the Internet” was published on May 8, 2013, on the ‘counterpunch’ website. According to the information present along with the very article, the author is a political activist, and a radical journalist, who is also a founding member of a progressive web- hosting media service in Brooklyn, New York. With a small introduction with the origin of the author, we can guess that the article is filled with information that can easily

  • How Did Lemaitre Contribute To The Rise Of The Big Bang Theory

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    universe and this showed that the universe was around 14 billion years old. To conclude, the Big Bang Theory was founded and developed by many astronomers over a long period of time. Till this day, The Big Bang theory is still being looked into by NASA, CERN and other organisations and found other matter, that were the aftermath of the Big Bang. For example, in 28 February 2018, there were reports that scientists may have found stars that were created just shortly after the Big Bang. We are trying to find