“The Coast Guard has long been known as the armed service that gets more done for less”(Coble Quotes”). This quote said by Howard Coble discusses the efficiency and hard work of the U.S Coast Guard. The USCG is part of the Department of Homeland Security. Enlisted personnel typically participate in,or support, military operations such as combat or humanitarian and disaster relief. They also operate and maintain vessels such as boats, ships and aircraft. The U.S Coast Guard is a fulfilling career
. As we build mission ready Coast Guardsmen, we must provide world class deck plate leadership to our workforce. As we promote a culture of courtesy and respect for all, we will enable everyone to be dynamic and passionate leaders. Being a member of the Coast Guard demands a substantial amount of dedication. The amount of time and effort expected of you, regardless of your rate, whether you are Active Duty or Reservist, or even a family member of someone serving, is tremendous. Leadership’s responsibility
1. CAPT Beauregard’s devotion to the men and women of the Coast Guard is truly evident in his personal desire to help them achieve the greatest possible measure of professional and personal success while under his command. 2. He believes in recognizing good works at the time they occur, rather than waiting on recognition until the end of a member’s tour. By bestowing on-the-spot personal awards, CAPT Beauregard proves he is always involved with what personnel are doing to make C3CEN a Center of
The Coast Guard could be saving hundreds of thousands of dollars a year; so why are they wasting it? There are many ways that the Coast Guard can save money, but one easy fix is to establish a program for Geographic Location. The Coast Guard has over 40,000 members serving on active duty (Today’s Military, 2017). Every year, hundreds of members and their families move either to another state, or across the country to places against their will for reasons of their own. The Coast Guards reason
The Coast Guard is the principal Federal agency responsible for maritime safety, security, and environmental stewardship in U.S. ports and waterways. In this capacity, the Coast Guard protects and defends more than 100,000 miles of U.S. coastline and inland waterways, and safeguards an Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ) encompassing 4.5 million square miles stretching from North of the Arctic Circle to South of the equator, from Puerto Rico to Guam, encompassing nine time zones – the largest EEZ in the
1. It is with great pride and respect for this institution that I humbly request to serve as an officer in the United States Coast Guard. I am keen on continuously learning and genuinely caring about others within this organization as an officer. My military career may be brief, but I have exceeded expectations with my excellent work ethic, professionalism, and leadership. These qualities were carried over to this organization by my previous management, leadership, teachings, and training within
The Coast Guard The Coast Guard is unique in that it combines military, law enforcement, humanitarian, and regulatory functions under a single organization that serves under the Department of Homeland Security. Despite reporting to the Department of Homeland Security, Title 14 stipulates that the Coast Guard is a military service and Coast Guard ships are US warships. It is the only armed service that draws its authority from Title 14 of the US Code rather than Title 10 and is the only service exempt
organization. The greatest asset to the Coast Guard are those who rise to the challenge every single day. As a leader it is my responsibility to establish a relationship with these individuals, so that I can support them on a professional and personable level. Additionally, understanding their motivation and goals in which they strive towards, offer me the opportunity help them grow within the Coast Guard. Influences Furthermore, throughout a Coast Guard career, you will encounter different leadership
1. There are two main pillars in my desire to join Coast Guard Aviation. The first and foremost reason is the one that pushed me to work towards a commission within the Coast Guard and that’s service. I want to continue down a path of servant leadership and widen my sphere of influence to create positive change within the Coast Guard. The second pilar is search and rescue. Search and rescue has been my main operational focus throughout my entire career. I wish to continue developing my skills as
The Coast Guard is a great way to learn about boating skills, effectiveness communication, and implementing core values on and off duty: Honor, Respect, and Devotion to Duty. The idea of teamwork within the Coast Guard is to accept everyone as they are while simultaneously working together. Just as Jesus cares for and is concerned about His in the New Testament, we as individuals, whether junior or senior members ought to care and/or be concerned with all people as well. Mapping out the career/personal
publications which placed the Coast Guard’s future focus into prospective and the curriculum kept my interest the entire time. The three classes that resonated with me the most were Facilitative Leadership, Diversity & Leadership, and Coaching & Counseling because they brought out a deeper understanding of tools I was missing in my leadership style. I know by refining these leadership techniques, I will become a better leader for my unit and The United States Coast Guard. The first leadership class
Speaking with genuine conviction about the higher meaning purpose of our work. One important tool to use in the improvement of this behavior is Coast Guard Publication No.1, in particular the Coast Guard’s Principles of Operation. Using the principles to explain to followers the methods used by the service to carry out its various statutory missions is key to fostering a mindset of understanding and acceptance. Furthermore
Commanding Officer United States Coast Guard Leadership Development Center 37 Mohegan Ave Mail New London, CT 06320-8108 Phone: (860) 701-6880. 1530 13 Jun 2024 MEMORANDUM From: Kaitlin A. Carl To: Chief, Officer Accessions & Transitions Department. Subj: PERSONAL LEADERSHIP PHILOSOPHY. Ref: (a) Leadership: Theory & Practice (by Dr. Peter Northouse) (b) Servant Leadership vs. Authentic Leadership (Liberty University) (c) Coast Guard Correspondence Manual, COMDTINST M5216.6. 1. What is the difference
1. With the high and rising cost of healthcare, the Coast Guard is doing a great disservice to its members by not proactively promoting health and wellness before possible risk factors evolve into serious and costly health conditions. The Coast Guard has health focused programs implemented such as the Weight and Body Fat Standards Program, Health Promotion Program, and Personal Fitness Plan. However, Reference (a) announced the elimination of all Health Promotion Manager (HPM) billets and no longer
one Coast Guardsman. Failure to ensure pursuit proficiency will result in a significant escalation of risk, as our crews are more frequently exposed to NCVP
and personal goals is the true definition of leadership. This approach will enable me to respond to the privilege of being a leader by building trust and honoring the Coast Guard’s core values of Honor, Respect, and Devotion to Duty. 2. There have been quite a few leadership influences over the last 21 years in the Coast Guard. These influences have come from people up and down my chain of command. Some leadership influences came from the obvious sources like my Officer in Charge or senior petty
water, a washcloth, and a towel, went up to Alexander Hamilton’s tombstone, and cleaned it until it sparkled. Then he and the other chiefs stood at attention and saluted the founding father of the Coast Guard”-Adm. James M. Loy The Coast Guard’s response to 9/11 remains a defining moment in Coast Guard history. The terrorist attack in lower Manhattan not only affected the surrounding New York area, but sent shock waves throughout the United States with many citizens fearing the protection of domestic
According to the Master Chief Petty Officer of the Coast Guard Standing Order Two, leaders are inspired, dedicated, approachable, responsive, and connected to the needs and future of our workforce. The Encarta dictionary defines leadership as the ability to guide, direct, or influence people. My definition of leadership is a combination of these two references—leaders should be able to motivate others to accomplish a goal or mission. In order to do this, leaders need to be involved in their people’s
know their people beyond just their job title. I want to know what motivated them to choose a life of service in the Coast Guard, their future goals, and to learn about their background and families. Prioritizing their needs will yield trust, which is essential to accomplish a shared goal through teamwork and collaboration. a. I strive to be
1. Leadership, according to the Coast Guard, is influencing others to achieve a goal. This is a simple definition that explains a highly complex idea in an extremely basic form. The differences between good and bad leadership is not given, instead the reader of this short definition is left with the inclination that as long as a given goal was completed then leadership must have occurred. A tyrant however, can influence people to accomplish goals through intimidation but that is not an example of