Commuting Essays

  • Urban Sprawl In American City

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    sprawl because it focuses on public transportation and walking as main sources to building a better environment. However, Robert Bruegmann does not believe that “smart growth” is an effective alternative because heavily dense areas require longer commuting times. He explains, “Because the automobile...allows individuals to travel directly from point A to point B wherever the owner wishes, travel times using the automobile are almost always much shorter than travel times using public transportation”

  • Essay On The Impact Of Technology On American Workers

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    For most Americans, technology is an indispensable part of both work and personal lives. Numerous advantages of technology include teleworking, which enables people to conduct business from their homes, cafes, and other non-office places. As with all good things, this also has a reasonable share of drawbacks. More than 30% of US knowledge workers reported working from a location other than just their workplace on a workday over the research period, according to the American Time Use Survey, which

  • The Hard Truth About Telecommuting

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    Telecommuting, referred to as work-at-home in this case, is defined as employees given the opportunity to work from home based on a merit system. In this case, KGDV has no specific guidelines in their policy regarding working remotely. Employees are given the opportunity to telecommute based on their level of outputs and telecommuters are solely assessed based on their ability to maintain and increase their levels of output. For those employees whose output allows them to work at home, further

  • Medex Case Analysis Paper

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    In my opinion, there is a need for MedEx to strike a balance between telecommuting and working from the organizational offices. From the above analysis, telecommuting presents both advantages and disadvantages to the organization. It is therefore essential for the organization to strike an important balance between working from home and working from the organizational offices. The company should develop a strategy that enhances flexibility regarding work among its employees (Raffaele & Connell, 2016)

  • Stranger In The Empty Night Analysis

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    Critical Essay Travel Writing Kayla Drummond Daniel Quinn once wrote on the meaning of life saying that in life people, “Get a job, make some money, work till you’re sixty, then move to Florida and die.” The philosophy of existentialism presents the challenge to stray from a mindset that is fearful of the unknown and instead embrace the present and the real. There is no control over the past and therefore it does not do to dwell in it. What can be controlled

  • Garville Argument Analysis

    327 Words  | 2 Pages

    To start with, the argument states that there is no reason why a policy like Garville 's shouldn 't work equally well in Waymarsh. The claim underlies the assumption that the city of Garville is similar to that of Waymarsh. But the author provides absolutely no evidence about it. Due to this unfair assumption, the argument of the author is greatly weakened. It is possible that the population in Garville is less than that in Waymarsh, and it is easy for people to commute, regardless of a traffic jam

  • Analysis Of Spacious, Simple And Affordable

    429 Words  | 2 Pages

    Spacious, Simple, and Affordable Claim: The 2014 Nissan Versa is a dependable, comfortable car at an affordable price. It’s a good fit for those on a budget, and those commuting. Grounds: The 2014 Versa was the cheapest new car on the market in 2014, making it one of the cheapest used cars on the market in 2017. A used Versa typically ranges from $9,000 - $12,000 depending on the trim and mileage. The average mileage ranges from 25 – 35 miles. They are dependable with low maintenance costs. The

  • Mountain Bike Essay

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    There are many types of bikes to choose from. If you’re just new at cycling, knowing your purpose in buying a bike (whether to use it for commuting to work, for biking on terrains, for racing, etc.) is imperative in selecting a bike that suits you and your needs. Bikes differ in wheel size (diameter), tire type, saddle/seat type, handle, frame size, and weight—depending on the rider’s body type and activity the bike will be used for. Familiarity with at least the most common bike types will be a

  • Public Transportation Vehicles Essay

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    but if you’re commuting from outside the city, you’re probably driving yourself to work. Well, the reality is that we are all still extremely dependent on fossil fuels to run our transport vehicles, and almost everything about fossil fuels is bad—from the grave environmental and ethical impact of the way these fuels are produced and consumed, the effects their byproducts have on our health, down to the fact that it is a non-renewable, unsustainable resource. That said, if commuting is something

  • Swot Analysis Of Kingsville

    1013 Words  | 5 Pages

    Using the 2011 Census data, we will analyze the commuting flows leaving Kingsville for work, as well as coming into the city for work. Through statistical analysis, we will examine and project the commuting flows for the Town of Kingsville as if there were more transportation options, displaying our findings through graphs, charts, and GIS maps. In terms of non-work intercity

  • Minimum Wage Issue Analysis

    251 Words  | 2 Pages

    and sometimes the money is not enough to support a family. So we have to consider the commuting distance, the For example, my dad drives to Brampton to work just for 5 hours and he gets paid a minimum wage. I live in Oakville so it takes quite a while for my dad to get to where he works. This is time consuming, tiring and also waste of gas money. So what I’m trying to say is that we have to consider the commuting distance as well.

  • The Polar Bear Edge Analysis

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    That is a little more than the UF but it is still manageable. I qualify for the same price of scholarship as the University of Findlay at ONU. Again, I have the chance for different scholarship that bring down the price of tuition. I would also be commuting to the college I choose so that would help bring down the costs of tuition. Both colleges have a doable tuition and scholarships that help lower the

  • What Is Better Than Community Colleges

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    universities. Junior colleges are more economical than universities because they are more convenient, less expensive, and less demanding. Because community colleges are more conveniently located than an university, avoiding extra cost becomes easier by commuting. Junior colleges tend to be closer to home and students choose to commute more often. Gas cost is still a factor to consider but the travel cost will be much less than what one must pay every semester for room and board. Although universities still

  • American Cities In The 19th Century Essay

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    nineteenth century and into the beginning of the twentieth (also known as the Gilded Age), American cities began to blossom into diverse settings that developed new lifestyles, innovations (and inventions) and much more. Railroads and mass transits (commuting) made transportation of people and goods into the city more efficient, especially for people in the West and the South. American cities also began developing great pieces of architecture such as skyscrapers and dumbbell tenements that were work places

  • Neighborhood Food Environment Assessment Tool

    456 Words  | 2 Pages

    that for a store to have a good production benefit it should be located to the center of all commute systems. For instance, the urban plaza at the PSU campus is believed to be one of the busiest places because it is centrally located to all the commuting systems. As a result, the stores that are located on that part have more profits compared to the same stores located on other locations. Infrastructure is a characteristics that would determine whether I would go to that store or not. For instance

  • Is College Worth All The Time

    470 Words  | 2 Pages

    Is college really worth all the time and money? Some people say it isn't, but studies have proven its worth it. College gives you so many more opportunities for jobs and activities. The U.S. has changed in many ways, from the economy to job hunting. People who don't have a post secondary education are finding it harder and harder to obtain a good paying job. “ The U.S. has been transformed from a manufacturing based economy to an economy based on knowledge.” The economy change makes it hard for

  • Polycom Australia Essay

    530 Words  | 3 Pages

    The latest trends show that by working from anywhere allows better control over your work-life balance, avoid commuting stress, be more productive, save money on commuting and will allow you more time. In order to get the system to work the business needs a good Polycom distributer Australia. The Future Workplace One thing that most business leaders agree with is that the latest technology

  • What Are The Major Components Of My Ecological Footprint

    571 Words  | 3 Pages

    According to the Footprint Calculator, if all the people in the world have the same lifestyle as I do, it would take around 5.6 times the amount of Earth to sustain the resources that I use. The top 3 contributors of my ecological footprints are services, mobility and shelter. Services contributes up to 36% of my ecological footprint, followed by mobility at 26 % and shelter at 21%. It takes around 24.8 global acres of the Earth’s productive area to support my lifestyle, which most of those are used

  • Personal Statement

    537 Words  | 3 Pages

    University of Pennsylvania is an intercultural and inclusive university. Since i enjoy volunteering, UPenn offers a commuting student service and community outreach programs. It has academic excellence that will strengthen me to strive to be a better person. I participated in the IB program in my high school year and i pushed myself to never give up. UPenn openly encourages such breadth of study. I know a college experience at UPenn will prove challenging, I look forward to a fulfilling four years

  • Persuasive Essay About Sports Research Paper

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    children are obese.(Anahad O'connor, The New York Times) This had led to federal efforts to promote walking and biking to school, instead of commuting by car. However, although it decreases the risk of obesity, it does very little to decrease weight, as people who walk or bike usually live close to school, so it is a leisurely activity. This shows that although commuting to school helps a little, sports can help