Fire sprinkler Essays

  • Pros And Cons Of Residential Fire Sprinklers

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    of residential fire sprinklers in new housing construction, affecting the level of protection against structure fires in the municipalities. In order to safeguard these citizens, local representatives need to reexamine proof that home sprinkler systems preserve property, and save lives. When engaging fire officials and local Virginia builder’s about the topic of residential sprinkler systems installed in the home, two different viewpoints will be presented. Hazard (2009) stated fire officials credited

  • Informative Essay On Fire Sprinklers

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    You’ve seen fire sprinklers before, but maybe only in movies. They can be seriously useful—preventing fire damage and saving lives in some cases. With residential fire sprinklers trending in the United States, it may be necessary to go over some basic myths associated with this lifesaving appliance. Myth #1: Water damage from a sprinkler system will be more extensive than fire damage. It’s more of a liability than a help. Fact: Not true at all! If the fire is allowed to spread, it will be chaos

  • Sprinkler Fire Research Paper

    998 Words  | 4 Pages

    f there is a fire in an aircraft hangar what would put it out? Some would say that automatic sprinklers would do the job or some would say that the fire department would as well. Those answers are both true, but not only are they fitted with a sprinkler system they can also have a low expansion foam system, or a high expansion foam system. Due to the fact that hangars are big and is enclosed they use high expansion foam systems to quickly put out the fire. There are four types of hangars and depending

  • Sprinkler System

    824 Words  | 4 Pages

    Sprinkler Systems for Residential Homes Fires in the home pose one of the biggest threats to the people of your community. In 2013, United States fire departments responded to an estimated 1,240,000 fires. These fires caused 3,240 civilian deaths. Of those deaths, 83 percent occurred in the home, the very place people feel most safe.1 Residential fire sprinkler systems should be considered and not overlooked in new home constructions. The greater benefit of sprinklers outweighs the opposing sides

  • Triangle Shirtwaist Fire System Analysis

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    2012, p.9-10). This was a look at a fires that injured and killed occupants. The fire service as a whole has come a long way in life safety and property conservation. The fire service achieved this by adopting rules and codes and improving the fire protection systems. One will give a detailed description of the fire alarm and connection system, smoke management system, automated fire sprinkler, standpipe systems, and foam fire extinguishing systems. Fire Alarm and Connection System Types of

  • Case Report: The Seton Hall Fire

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    The Seton Hall University fire took place in January of the year 2000. Sadly, three students were killed and dozens were injured due to a fire that had started in the common room area. At first details about the cause of the fire were a little confusing, there were many reports that said smoking was the cause and a few that had stated that some drunk students had set the fire as a prank and the fire spread more rapidly than they had anticipated as a result of the carpeting containing synthetic fibers

  • Becoming A Firefighter

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    In this research paper will describe what is needed to be a firefighter. The Operating vehicles. Part of the fire detail to superiors, subordinates, or interagency dispatch center, using two-way radios.An other thing do in the job Evaluate size, location, and condition of forest fires. a serve as a working leader of an engine, hand, helicopter, or prescribed fire crew of three or more firefighters. The knowledge you need for being a firefighter. should know public safety. It would help if know

  • Great Fire Of 1910 Research Paper

    315 Words  | 2 Pages

    Great Fire of 1910 The largest forest fire in American History was on August 20th and 21st of 1910. It took lives, destroyed towns, and created torches out of trees. The fire adopted the name of The Big Blowup, or sometimes called the Big Burn. One man described it as “A terrific hurricane had broke over the mountain”. The Great Fire of 1910 was very destructive in its nature. A drought and dry spring made the ground exhausted with dehydration. In Sherry Devlin’s article she states “Wallace

  • Mountain Rules: A Short Story

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    The flames of desire can morph into an inferno of destruction. Drought fell upon Mason Row during the summer solstice, the small farming community greeted the sunshine with dreaded welcome; cattle and crop usually thrived beneath its brilliant rays, but this year. . . this year brought danger. A farmer mowing his parched lawn could set the world ablaze, a single firecracker could ravish an entire country side, these reason kept the town constable Eldred Tolhurst awake at night, and kept him on

  • Firefighter Research Paper

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    a firefighter than most people would think. In December of 2010 my house caught on fire, my family made it out safely and today we have rebuild in the same house just bigger and better. I have done a lot of research and have heard a lot about many kinds of fires that my dad has told me about when he was a fire fighter. We are very lucky to have fire fighters in our society to keep us safe and put any kind of fire out. Being a firefighter is a very difficult job, the gear is extensive, and it has

  • Flre HAZARDS Assessment And Control

    412 Words  | 2 Pages

    ASSESSMENT AND CONTROL Fire is caused by the interaction of three elements, known as the fire triangle: heat, fuel and oxygen. The fire triangle is fundamental to understanding the prevention, control and extinction of fire. Fire spreads by means of direct burning, heat radiation, conduction and convection. Fires are classified into five categories based on the fuel type. This classification is fundamental to identifying the means by which each type of fire may be extinguished. Fire prevention is based

  • Causes Of The Fire In Josh Powell Arson Or Homicide Case

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    The fire in the Josh Powell arson/ homicide case began in the living room, where the bodies of Josh Powell, and his children Charles Powell and Braden Powell. That would be the incipient stage. Next to the three bodies, two empty ten gallon gasoline cans were found. It is believed that Josh Powell had spread the gasoline around the residence before the children got to the house for the visit. The emergent smoldering happened all around the house where the gas was spread. This is believed to be throughout

  • Candle Lab

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    chemicals. Procedures: 1. Get 2 candles of the same size and brand. 2. One candle will be red and the other will be white. 3. Next you will put them into two heat/fire safe containers. 4. Then start to burn them. 5. Keep them both at the same temperature. 6. They will be burnt under a flame and they will be

  • Firefighting Personal Statement

    571 Words  | 3 Pages

    and extinguish fires. I am curious to learn about the various roles and responsibilities within firefighting such as the duties of a firefighter, a paramedic, and an emergency medical technician. This experience would build on my training and previous experiences acquired through the successful completion of various first aid certifications, National Lifeguard certification and junior lifeguarding. I am also intrigued by the roles of fire investigators Wildland firefighters and Fire Prevention officers

  • Narrative Essay On California Fire

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    the news that there was a massive wild fire in California. It was nothing new, we all prayed that the residents of California were safe, but we went on with our lives. We knew that it would be handle and that it would be over in a couple of weeks, but we were wrong. It had been around seven weeks since the fire first started. The firefighters said that they were working on it and to not lose hope. What they didn’t bother to put on the news was that the fire was growing, and fast. People in California

  • Iroquois Theater Fire Essay

    1086 Words  | 5 Pages

    Iroquois Theater was described before there was a fire that killed over 600 people. The fire has been described as “the worst theater fire in American history” (Ford). When the theater opened on November 23rd 1903, the construction had not been completed. City codes were violated and the fire protection systems were not installed. Many lessons were learned and new regulations and codes were implemented after the disaster. Following is a look at how the fire started, why so many people lost their lives

  • Firefighter Career Essay

    812 Words  | 4 Pages

    The bravest are surely those who have the clearest vision of what is before them, glory and danger alike, and yet notwithstanding, go out to meet it. –Thucydides. The United States of America is always at war, war with fire. The United States firemen have been battling these fires since this country was founded. I am interested in this job because I want to go out every day and make in a difference in people's lives all across the country. Because firefighting is a dangerous job, it appeals to me

  • Flow Path

    1222 Words  | 5 Pages

    In “Searching the Flow Path,” P.J. Norwood and Sean Gray state that the American fire service dropping the ball on new tactics and the understanding of fire. Norwood and Gray point out that our enemy, fire, is not the same as it used to be. Additionally, the authors add that our training is preparing us well enough. They had that this lack of training is giving firefighters a false sense of security on the fireground. Undoubtedly, the authors believe that right hand/left hand search patterns

  • Josh Powell's Four Stages Of Fire

    476 Words  | 2 Pages

    have all the notes I need I can now proceed to investigate the fire. Based on the four stages of fire I have found that incipient stage just made the duration of the fire spread more than a fraction it speed very quickly due to the product that was used. Emergent smoldering to effect very quickly make thing more combustible. The third stage now brings

  • NIOSH Research Proposal Essay

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    University of California at Davis Department of Public Health Sciences, and supported by the U.S Fire Administration. The study included nearly 30,000 career firefighters from Chicago, Philadelphia, and San Francisco who were employed at any time between 1950 and 2009. NIOSH researchers found that, when compared to the number of cancers expected using U.S. population rates, the firefighters