Lockdown Essays

  • Why Should Students Be Allowed To Carry Phones In School

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    be carried at school. Students should be allowed to carry phones in school because for safety, a useful tool, and an emergency. The first reason why phones should be allowed to be carried is for emergency purposes. If there's a fire, shooting, lockdown, bomb threat, you want to ensure your safety by calling 911 or even your parents. Most of the times these are just drills, but what if one day it is not. Also if your parents need to contact you. Like for example, if their is a death in your family

  • Persuasive Essay: Why Should School Phones Used In School?

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    carried at school. Students should be allowed to carry phones in school because of safety reasons, a useful tool, and an emergency. The first reason why phones should be allowed to be carried is for emergency purposes. If there's a fire, shooting, lockdown, bomb threat, you want to ensure your safety by calling 911 or even your parents. Most of the times these are just drills, but what if one day it is not. Also if your parents need to contact you. Like for example, if there is a death in your family

  • Lockdown Book Report

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    Lockdown by Walter Dean Myers is a novel that will keep you on your toes. Inspiration, courageousness, nervousness, and depression are all the emotions you feel while reading Lockdown. A topic based around someone making a mistake and ending up in jail isn’t easy to digest, but when the prisoner is only fourteen it’s unbelievable. While reading this book it was quite obvious Walter Dean Myers arranged a lot of research for this novel, it was written very well and full of facts. Hearing stories of

  • Michelle Alexander The Lockdown Analysis

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    minorities are target for every minimal action and/or crimes, which is a cause to be sentenced up to 50 years in jail. African Americans and Latinos are the ethnic minorities with highest policing crimes. In chapter two of Michelle Alexander’s book, The Lockdown, we are exposed to the different “crimes” that affects African American and Latino minorities. The criminal justice system is a topic discussed in this chapter that argues the inequality that people of color as well as other Americans are exposed

  • Alacrans And End The Lockdown Summary

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    Esperanza. Esperanza starts talking about how Matt should become the lord of Opium and to go back to Opium. Matt gets in a hovercraft and goes to Opium. Once he arrives he says “ His job is to confront the Alacrans and end the lockdown”. Matt would be able to disable the lockdown himself once he found it since El Patron and

  • Love Lockdown Analysis

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    ESSAY Africa, Africans and African-ness can be signified in various ways. Some are more positive and others are stereotypical and harmful to those with an Afican identity. This essay will discuss the ways in which Kanye West’s music video for “Love Lockdown” refers to Africans and the female black body to express his feelings of love and hurt. This video was released in 2008 and was inspired by West’s break-up with designer, Alexis Phifer (Songfacts 2015:1). It was directed by Simon Henwood, who

  • Short Story Of Lockdown By Evan Hopkins

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    “LockDown” is the short story of a man, named Evan Hopkins, and his time spent during his prison sentence. Hopkins received 16 years in prison for armed robbery and spent his sentence at Nottoway Correctional Center in Virginia. Hopkins describes the prison in great detail down to how it operates on a lockdown, hence the name of the story. In the period of the lockdown, prison guards checked for contraband hidden in cells, or in possession of the inmates. Most of the lockouts last for a week, but

  • Imagery In Gordon Smith's Lockdown

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    Gordon Smith wrote the book, Lockdown : Escape From Furnace. I really enjoyed reading this book for a few reasons. One reason that I really enjoyed about this book was how well Gordon Smith explained certain aspects of his writing with great emotion and detail. Another thing I liked about this book was that he never ended a chapter without having me thinking what was going to happen next. He continually kept me engaged and interested throughout the whole book. Throughout the book, I also enjoyed

  • Humanity During Covid-19 Lockdown

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    Grace Zimmerman Mrs. Tiller Honors English 10 7 March 2024 Humanity During Covid-19 lockdown, the lack of social stimulation was very isolating and dehumanizing. Every bit of time was dedicated to school Zoom calls and simply getting through the global pandemic. Many suffered from the lack of communication, and social skills became majorly impaired. Social stimulation is vital to mental health. In Mary Shelley’s novel, Frankenstein, Victor isolates himself in his studies, but the creature is the

  • Summary Of Lockdown By Alexander Gordon Smith

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    The title of the book I read was called “Lockdown: Escape From Furnace” created by Alexander Gordon Smith. The lockdown was published on March 5, 2009, and consist of 237 pages. Lockdown is a thriller which is about a young teenager trying to survive and escape the horror of “The Furnace” a maximum-security prison deep underground for young offenders filled with psychopaths and gangs while showing a dark, gory, scary reaction to the readers, while shill showing some humor to the book. The book starts

  • Analysis Of Lockdown Americ Police And Prisons In The Age Of Crisis

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    incarceration. Lockdown America: Police and Prisons in the Age of Crisis by Christian Parenti discusses these issues. In his book Parenti analysis how the criminal justice system came to be what it is today, economically and politically. Parenti then discusses policing and policing on immigrants. Parenti finishes off with the conditions inside and the political order within prison walls. To recognize the issue of mass incarceration it is critical to address how this system came into practice. Lockdown America

  • School Safety Research Paper

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    There were daily night events for the teachers to train them how to take down an armed person (FOX NEWS). But that is just one school. Preparing for a code red lockdown, students need to know what to do, teachers need to get training, and some schools need to get different procedures in order for everybody to be safe. When there is a lockdown in a school, getting in a room and securing the area is your number one priority. The steps that you need to do to secure the area is clear the hallways, barricade

  • Examples Of Emergency Response To School Violence

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    Once the announcement, “We are now on lockdown,” is made, all teachers follow a set of guidelines. All classroom lights must be turned off and doors locked. Teachers should direct students to hide in closets, get down on the floor, hide under desks or tables, and stay away from the doors. It

  • My Relationship With The Government In Fahrenheit 451

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    Comparatively, others didn’t. They wanted to keep going out, shopping, eating at restaurants, and some went to the extent of not masking. Our government didn’t initiate a lockdown until 2 months after the first case appeared in the United States. They wanted to prevent panic and prevent more people from not following their ‘outrageous lockdown’ as they thought of it as unnecessary. Because of this, more people were on the streets during that time and more people got infected. My family rents out to multiple

  • Preventing School Shooting Essay

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    The carnage at Columbine alarmed hundreds of schools across the nation and influenced schools safety practices greatly. In this present era, school shootings appear to be becoming normality in America. After the shooting, schools both locally and internationally have significantly increased their security procedures. There are many different upgrades that schools have implemented to help prevent further tragedies; metal detectors are used to detect weaponry on-hand as well as security cameras on

  • Every Student Can Handle Conflicts Peaceably: Mr. D.

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    students that do not hear that message that need to hear it. Many students are told from their parents or peers that they are stupid, or they can’t learn, or that they are incompetent. They hear such negativity on a regular basis. I think that it is important to instill in my students the belief that they all can succeed and I want them to be able to think to themselves, “I may not be able to do this yet but I will be able to do this someday.” Every Student Can Handle Conflicts Peaceably: Mr. D

  • Essay On Cause And Effect Of Jefferson High School

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    Cause Teacher absences connect with the amount of care and effort they put into their teaching or dealing with their students. The schedules for a student’s classes is very important. Messing this part of the student’s high school career can affect their future decisions and cause them to enjoy school. For example, Jefferson High School, which is located in Los Angeles with a high poverty rate, students walked out to protests due to a scheduling malfunction. This caused them to lose days of instructional

  • Sandy Hook Massacre

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    terrified of the possibility their kid could be next. The nation in return rose to action and changed to insure safety across America. The Sandy Hook Massacre affected the US tremendously, creating awareness, more school security, and a new effective lockdown procedure at schools. Nearly immediately after news broke out of the shooting, people asked how a man who was so sick in the head could get a hold of so powerful of a rifle. The nation however had no answer. Gun laws had been in question before

  • Dog Rehoming: A Personal Statement

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    rehoming them, and helping adopters once they have gone to their new homes. I want to be a part of this research as I believe my academic and professional background will be vital to this research. I am keen to begin investigating the effects that Lockdown has

  • What Was The Role Of The Economy In The 1960's And 70

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    After World War II the United States citizens witnessed the greatest economic frame of their lifetime. The end of the war gave the United States economy a tremendous boost to set the stagnant economy into succession.The economy became successful because of the always evident succession after war, and many European countries, and Japan were left in crumbles after the war. Thus, the United States were providing exports to many of those countries. The 1960's and 70's had an employees who knew just