Microbrewery Essays

  • Hop Production In Kansas Essay

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    Hop Production in Kansas Aaron Peters Background Everywhere you go it seems, you see an advertisement for a brewery. The number of microbreweries and home brewers has increased immensely in the last decade, and there seems to be no one wanting to capitalize on the opportunity to grow a crop that is essential to the beer making process. Hops are mainly used in the brewing process as a bittering and flavoring source as well as a natural anti-microbial agent to keep the beer on the shelves longer.

  • Examples Of Microbrewery

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    Market Demographics Microbrewery This tag is applied to any brewery that produces less than 15,000 barrels of beer per year. The beer that is produced is sold through a distributor (49/50 states) or directly to the consumer (Washington State). Good examples include the Omaha Brewing Company, which is south of Columbus, GA, or Folklore Brewing in Dothan, AL. Brewpub This tag is applied to a brewery that has a restaurant (or a restaurant that has a brewery) that sells more than 25% of the beer it

  • Microbrewery Research Paper

    413 Words  | 2 Pages

    Terre Haute Brewing Company (THBC) is the second oldest microbrewery in the United States. The microbrewery was officially founded in 1837 and has gone through many transformations over the years. With them experiencing the prohibition of alcohol, the brewery had many challenges to face. The manager of Terre Haute Brewing Company said that their rich history is their biggest advantage. The microbrewery has old history that a company cannot just acquire. They have had links with gambling and mafia

  • What Is An Overview Of Wellington Brewery Microbrewery

    1614 Words  | 7 Pages

    Overview of Wellington Brewery Wellington brewery is a microbrewery that is located in Guelph Canada and they are famous for their beers which are reputed to be made from origin products and the brewery prides itself for being the only brewery that manufactures real English style ales in the whole of North America (Saji et al., n.d.) Key Facts and Issues of the Case Businesses operate with the view to maximizing profits, gaining larger market share, and ultimately outperforming their competition

  • How Does Hockley Enter The Beer Market?

    452 Words  | 2 Pages

    Hockley has gained widespread recognition through its Dark Ale. The microbrewery enjoys a solid relationship with and sell all five varieties through the LCBO, while it stocks the Dark Ale and taster pack in the Beer Shop’s boutique store. However, Light beers have been outperforming Hockley’s flagship dark ale. Entering the light beer market would create new rivals. Although Hockley competes against 150 other brands, the two serious rivals, specifically mainstream light beers, are Mill Stream and

  • Crafting A Marketing Strategy: Area 41 Empty Keg Double Ih

    851 Words  | 4 Pages

    Understanding what your particular product brings to the market and to your targeted market segment is essential in crafting a marketing strategy. Ensuring you product fills a physical or social need for consumers is equally important in introducing a new product into the marketplace. In this paper, I will provide a unique detailed description of Area 41 Empty Keg Double IPA, as well as describing the aesthetics, packaging, labelling, and overall look of product. Additionally, I will discuss specific

  • HSTC 3415: Brewing Civilization: Case Study

    490 Words  | 2 Pages

    evolution of the craft beer market. Specifically, I would like to explore the divide between industrialized beer and microbreweries. Current society is shifting its focus from industrialized practices and products to local businesses. Craft beer and microbreweries are local drinking establishments which promote the “I Love Local” movement. This movement then created craft and microbreweries to emerge into communities across the Maritimes. My main focus is to see how craft breweries market themselves and

  • Anheuser Busch Merger

    737 Words  | 3 Pages

    Not only are these microbreweries conveniently placed around some of the most heavily populated areas that AB InBev could use for other distribution points, but this was also the same time microbreweries began to take a larger share of the market­ 17.64% of the United States market. It is also important to note that AB InBev currently has about 46% of the market

  • Craft Beer Industry Research Paper

    682 Words  | 3 Pages

    smooth sailing to start new breweries. In 1979, only 89 breweries existed in the U.S. With these new laws, homebrewing became a popular hobby in the 1980s and 1990s, and by the mid-1990s, homebrewers started their own small Breweres, Brewpubs and Microbreweries. During this period of time many significant occurrences took place that helped change the oncoming of The Craft Beer Industry. Anchor Brewing Company was purchased by Fritz Maytag in 1965. Saving it from closure, Maytag kept the original beer

  • Eli Gershkovitch Research Papers

    1342 Words  | 6 Pages

    Eli Gershkovitch Superstars 08/07 (-- removed HTML --) Eli Gershkovitch Inspires Brand Awareness for Steamworks and Canadian Craft Beers (-- removed HTML --) Times are changing in the beer industry, and mass-market domestic beers no longer command an overwhelming advantage in what hip people choose to drink. Millennials especially favor craft beers over Budweiser, Miller, Pabst Blue Ribbon and even Coors, which got its start as a regional specialty beer that moved into the mainstream. Craft brewer

  • Swot Analysis For Mad Hops Brewery

    736 Words  | 3 Pages

    Mad Hops Brewery is a proposed microbrewery based in New Orleans, LA. It will focus on selling to local bars in the area and will strictly trade in the wholesale market. It is considered a microbrewery because it will sell less than 15000 barrels per year, and over 75% of sales will be off-site.  Mad Hops Brewery will initially sell two products: Mad Hops Lager and Mad Hops Light. While most beers are hot-brewed, our Lager is unique because of its cold-brew process. The cold-brew method possesses

  • Cortewalle's Impact On The Brewing Industry

    1759 Words  | 8 Pages

    But we are aware that the number of bio microbreweries is growing, and this trend has all chances to diversify brewing industry. A bigger number of small players will increase consumer choice, as organic beers have a stronger taste, often more interesting combinations of flavors. Independent breweries

  • Swot Analysis Of Hockley

    1235 Words  | 5 Pages

    During the summer of 2013, Hockley Valley Brewing Co a microbrewery located in Ontario, was in the growth stage of its product life cycle as it was operating at 50% capacity leaving room for growth (pg 3). Growth is the key stage for launching a product's position in a market, increasing sales, and profit margins. Sales from a summer festival in Orangeville were surprisingly very high according to the company founder and operations manager. The high sales showed a strong demand for light beers, when

  • Price Elasticity Analysis Paper

    1287 Words  | 6 Pages

    Price Elasticity of Demand When the brewery must make a change in the pricing of their product they must keep in mind the behavior of consumers. Will an increase in the cost have the elasticity needed to keep the consumers buying the product? A small price increase will usually not affect the buying power of the consumer. All consumers want a great product at an even better price. As with any premium product the consumer expects to pay a little more for the product they are buying. As mentioned

  • Vulcan To The Sky Trust: Company Analysis

    1005 Words  | 5 Pages

    1.1 About Us: “The consultant is a person in a position to have some influence over an individual, a group, or an organisation but has no direct power to make changes or implement program” (Block, 2012) The Cooper and Griffin Beer Company and LM consultancy are cooperating to attain the aim of creating a business strategy to sell 1 million beer bottles. As a part of business consultancy project for Masters of Business Administration (MBA) course 2013/2014 at Leeds Metropolitan University we have

  • Swot Analysis Miller Cooors

    428 Words  | 2 Pages

    MillerCoors is a company that swims in the Red Ocean of mainstream American lager beer. Launched in the 1800’s, both sides of this company have been holding strong with the top beer brands in the United States. Coors Banquet beer is one of the most popular lager brands today, and since the merge, Miller Genuine Draft is now under the same umbrella. Some of the brewers in direct competition with MillerCoors’ Coors Banquet Beer are Anheuser-Busch with Budweiser, Pabst Brewing Co. with Pabst Blue Ribbon

  • Craft Brewers Essay

    532 Words  | 3 Pages

    Brewers and foodies continue to flourish at a time when the environmental movement is reeling from an administration determined to unravel decades of regulation meant to protect river systems from sewage and the people that live next to them from harm. In response, a large segment of the US population has opted to vote with their dollars by subscribing to food co-ops and supporting enterprises that embrace agricultural practices that mark a shift away from industrial farming toward small-scale

  • Bench Brewing Company: Case Study

    1640 Words  | 7 Pages

    Partnerships Currently, Bench Brewing Company is brewing out of Nickel Brook Beers in Burlington while completing construction on its public school-turned-brewery in Beamsville, Ontario. Bench Brewing has the Ball’s Falls Session IPA in the LCBO and in bars across southern Ontario; in Guelph, Bench beers can be found at Baker Street Station, Brass Taps Pub at the University of Guelph, Miijidaa, and The Woolwich Arrow (“Bench Brewing”, n.d.). Bench has also publicly established itself in the local

  • Boston Beer Company Case Study

    1361 Words  | 6 Pages

    Boston Beer Company 1. How attractive is beer industry in US in the mid-1990s? In mid-90s the beer industry experienced no growth. For the period from 1989 to 1994 annual overall industry growth rate was 0.1%. Beer consumption in US was affected by social and legal constraints and norms. In contrast, specialty beer sales grew significantly and reached 40% compound annual rate over the period from 1989 to 1994. It reflected the change in beer drinking tastes towards bitter, full-bodied, flavorful

  • New Belgium Brewing Company Essay

    1044 Words  | 5 Pages

    These values and beliefs are the heart of the company, they form the infrastructure they run from, allowing the microbrewery to excel and make a profit. NBB’s ethical decision making is a result of power the core values and beliefs have over the company. Although power is different in every situation, NBB is a company that strives on reward and legitimate power. Reward