10 Traits Of Highly Effective Educators Essay

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In my opinion, Elaine K. McEwan could not have chosen a better trait than “the communicator” to begin her book, 10 Traits of Highly Effective Principals (McEwan, 2003). The remaining nine traits are powerfully essential to the success and transformation of a school yet without proper communication, their ability to initiate change is diminished. Conflict resolution, implementation of programs, changes in procedures, progress monitoring updates, and parent meetings are just a few examples which illustrate the necessity of an effective communicator. Communication is the key which turns the lock opening the door leading to change. When it comes to being a true communicator, my principal has the ability to be effective but not the follow through. She has implemented the creation of a monthly school newsletter for which the teachers must submit information about their class but there has been no “principal’s corner” since the August newsletter. Meetings were conducted and designed to target stakeholders …show more content…

The quantity and variety of meetings is not a short coming of the principal. Unfortunately, true attendance and active listening are. Countless times during these important meetings and even professional development sessions (some lead the by principal) the principal would answer text messages, read emails, and even excuse herself to take personal phone calls. While the principal was conducting the face to face meetings and proclaiming to understand the situation, her full attention was devoted to the task at hand. This lack of attention often caused issues with gathering all important information and asking the appropriate questions. Before most parent meetings, the principal would meet with teachers to gain a better understanding of the possible situation or anger of the parent as well as create a list of overarching questions yet many opportunities for follow-up questions were