3 Phases Of Terrorism Essay

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The three phases of terrorism are becoming a terrorist, being a terrorist (understood as both (a) remaining involved and (b) engaging in terrorist offences) and disengaging from terrorism, (Canter 2009, 259). These three phases of terrorism rely on radicalization, recruitment, training, operational actions and disengagement to operate within. Understanding terrorism as a psychological process lies on the “rational choice” (Canter 2009, 260), meaning either that person chooses to become involved in terrorism or not. There is no certain pattern as why people become radicalized or why they disengage, everyone is different and so are their views and beliefs, therefore it is hard to understand ones involvement. The difference between roots and routes regarding individual pathways into and through terrorism lies within the roots of an individual that might be attracted into terrorism by the sense of commitment and comradeship to the group, along with the rewards and regalia’s promised for their efforts. The route or pathway can be seen like a military recruit, as they relate to the military as something new and exciting, just like a terrorist would see that as becoming part of a new group. As terrorist progresses they would expect to be rewarded or promoted for their efforts, but if not given to them as promised, …show more content…

Personal reasoning could be a factor as well. Problems involving family, finances or any other personal concerns could play a part on disengagement. Concerns relating to the group itself should be considered as well, such as beliefs that the group has become sidelined, maligned by another group. On the other hand physical disengagement could be derived from the person being apprehended, sidelined, imprisonment, or