Academic Dishonesty: What Is An Academic Integrity?

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What is an “academic integrity”? What definition comes to our mind when we think about it? According to Wikipedia, academic misconduct is «any type of cheating that occurs in relation to a formal academic exercise»1. In the most recent 20 years, the amount of students who are resourcing to ethically inappropriate methods for their studies has significantly expanded. Furthermore, the lion's share of present students admit to cheating during their academic time, using different types of technologies. In our digital age, it has become very easy to use up-to-date devices in cheating. Much easier than it was before. Students invent more and more imaginative ways to undermine academic integrity. Indeed, modern technologies and global communication …show more content…

One of the today’s most widespread technologies is the smartphone. It is capable of transmitting data, accessing the Internet, and communicating wirelessly. Many students have applied their smartphones to cheat academically. For example, smartphones that have access to the Internet allows young people to search for answers during tests and exams. It is a simple and fast way to get a good grade. Moreover, the Internet provides us an opportunity to plagiarize, which is also another form of academic dishonesty. Nobody respects or condone plagiarism in any part of the study process. It is not only about stealing someone's else work, but also it is about taking your precious experience away. You could learn something new, create something really good but instead of it, you just used the easiest …show more content…

This implies that a student sets certain objectives and tries to accomplish them by himself. At the beginning of the each academic year, young people have a model that they would like to achieve by the end of this year. Whether it is gaining scholarship, excellent grades or teachers' admiration – it does not matter as long as everything you do, you do by yourself. Having academic integrity means showing the readiness to devote your time to work on your school assignments or projects and show your best. Because in my opinion, to gain success, one must deserve it. Many students tend to measure their excellence by grades. However, a good grade is not necessarily an index of knowledge. What is more important is that you mastered the new material and can apply it in your life. Besides, while we have mentors in universities, we should take advantage of what they 'bring to the table'. Despite the fact that learning new things always seems like an endless struggle, one must never