Advertisement Analysis: No Glance Is Worth A Life

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“No Glance Is Worth a Life” King1 The lives of many innocent people are being lost because of the ignorance of individuals being distracted by their cell phones. One of the biggest issues we hear amongst the nation today is cell phone use while driving. I recently viewed an advertisement sponsored by AT&T called, “No Glance Is Worth a Life.” The main focus of this advertisement is to educate users on the consequences of being distracted by cell phone use and bring the reality of the damages it can cause. It sends an eye opening message to viewers across the nation. This advertisement is very successful in persuasion and the ability to impact someone’s life. “No Glance Is Worth a Life”, empowers, persuades, convinces, and sets an image into the mind that will never be forgotten. The advertisement begins with a mother and daughter preparing themselves for the day. Getting dressed, the daughter playing with toys, …show more content…

The successful message AT&T is trying to send out to viewers is, it takes one second of someone not paying attention to ruin the lives of innocent people. My life is forever impacted positively by this advertisement. The next time I think about looking down at my phone, for even a second, I think of that young innocent girl. It can wait; Every call, any text message, any post. AT&T’s main message to convince viewers to eliminate cell phone use is, “No Post is Worth a Life and It Can Wait.” If it is an emergency, the driver need to be responsible and pull over to use the phone. I believe AT&T illustrates the importance of this. Having influencing messages like this help promote responsibility as a driver and teaches the importance of how dangerous vehicles can become. Not only do we have sponsors like AT&T to promote these positive messages, but the amount of social media used to spread the word on the campaign has grown