Amsterdam Personal Statement

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The opportunity to study abroad in Amsterdam gives me so many opportunities to make my degree program of social political justice expand my cap stone thesis on the topic of urban development to Amsterdam. I have made my cap stone project on the development of Springfield Massachusetts which was founded by the Puritans who settled in Holland before coming over to the United States. I would like to learn, and study how the countries influence progressed the city of Springfield Massachusetts in relationship to Amsterdam. My studies in Amsterdam in classes revolving around archeological history of the people of Amsterdam and the significance of global trade routes lead me to write about these global connections. I would like to continue to expand …show more content…

It’s the getting to go home with some amazing experiences and forge friendships with people all over the world who are into social justice, food sustainability and climate changes as the world moves into this unknown state of uncertainty. The return trip abroad for school an opportunity of a lifetime, I would have never of thought could have happened 20 years ago. I am one of those statistics you might have read about being a high school dropout, and having little if any hope out of a life time of class struggle. As a 33 year old person who is comfortable with who I am, what I am, and what I aim to achieve overcoming many obstacles, is a testament of self-determination and devotion to pursue and overcome many challenges. Having what seems like near death experiences in a life time already, you don’t take for granted what’s in front of you. I aim to make the most out of every opportunity to make my dreams, my reality while trying to make the world a better place. In my short life, standing in college, getting a bachelor’s, for me, in and of itself, combined with my educational goals to combat social injustices, and learn from the past, to become a strong and better person, one story at a time, is what I aim to continue, during my time in the

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