Analysis: Should Schools Have A Standardized Curriculum

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Should schools have a Standardized Curriculum? It is my belief that core aspects of the curriculum should be standardized. I genuinely believe that a general standardized curriculum in core content areas would bring about consistency throughout the educational world. I also understand that all students are unique individuals who learn quite differently from each other. I do not support the political agenda behind the standardized curriculum initiative. The Paideia Proposal by Mortimer J. Alder focuses on three main columns of teaching and learning. The three columns represent acquiring knowledge, developing the intellectual skills of learning, and enlarging the understanding of ideas and values. The proposal also focuses …show more content…

Students now are required to read, comprehend, make decisions and create equations in order to solve problems. These changes challenge students to make connections to real situations and create numerous opportunities to find a solution to the problem. The new curriculum also lends itself to hand on learning activities to create deeper thinkers and reinforce the real-world concepts. Even though there are gaps in the curriculum that need to be addressed the real world application, conceptual understanding and online support outweigh negatives. The significant changes that took place with the state curriculum will hopefully encourage students to take responsibility for their learning and enforce real world concepts. As an administrator, it is my responsibility to be the instructional leader of the school. I believe there is a three-phase process at the core of a strong curriculum development program: Selection and Development, Implementation and Assessment. The key to all three components is to have quality administrative supervision, which ensures that the curriculum is being implemented