
Analysis: Why College Athletes Should Not Be Paid

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In this never ending battle of whether or not college athletes should or should not be paid, a lot goes into both sides of the story. The NCAA and other big sports organizations are on the do not pay them side while most communities, athletes, and some schools are on the other side with paying the athletes. College sports are one of the most highly watched channel on tv. Some would even say College sports especially with NCAA teams are more entertaining to watch rather than the professional teams, but do not get a pay cut while the other companies are making big bucks off of the people doing the work. So, what side will you choose? Whether or not college athletes should or should not be paid has been on the rise recently. The NCAA is the …show more content…

A lot of laws would have to change and it would be a big mess to try and do. Would it be worth it? Some people think so and some people would not think so. There are over 450,000 college athletes in the united states. For all of them to be paid would be a lot of dough (Ireland). That would not really be much of a problem at the bigger universities and bigger schools ,but would definitely be a problem for the smaller schools. With that, there could also be a problem with distributing all that money evenly with all athletes in all sports with paying them all equally (Tracy). Another thing is they are “Student Athlete”. Student first and then an athlete second. They are at college to study and get a degree. They are already getting there school paid for or most of it paid for. (Cheong) At a lot of the bigger colleges and universities, if they are in a more favored sport, they get more than just a free education, they get the opportunity for free food, free housing, free training, depending on the sport they might also get free health insurance and if the team travels they get to travel for free. That is a pretty good deal (Ireland). Another big problem that comes up a lot with this topic is how will the athlete perform if they will be paid. Lets use football for example. The reason for this question to come up is fairly simple. College football players are trying to prove them self so they can make it to the big time. They give it 110% on every snap for that reason so they can hopefully be making millions doing something they love one day. If they pay them however, the worry is that there effort and performance will be dropped because they are already being paid. With that being said a majority of people who watch a lot of football argue that college football is a lot more entertaining to watch than the NFL and would like to keep it that way

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