
Analysis: Why College Athletes Should Not Be Paid

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Students attend different colleges for numerous different reasons. Some students go to college in order to prepare for a career while others go in order to have continued success in athletics. Given that people attend college for different reasons, they often times end up doing different things while they are there. For example, in college there are many different forms of entertainment. Those different forms include fraternities, sororities, clubs, movie theatres, bowling alleys, intramural sports, and then there are college athletics. College athletics can include football, basketball, tennis, track and field, water polo, swimming, baseball, softball, bowling, golf, and gymnastics. Players are privileged to be allowed to play on these teams, and gifted with free tuition or money off of their tuition. Therefore, college athletes in the U.S. should not be paid because it is unnecessary and extremely difficult to execute.

In 1910 the NCAA was created from the IAAUS. The NCAA wanted to protect and help its athletes from the dangerous, and exploitive athletics practices of the time. The NCAA has to manage 1,121 different universities. It gives students at colleges an opportunity to play sports at the college level. The NCAA has always cared for its athletes. In 1905, eighteen college football players died in games. Theodore …show more content…

This is the idea that after a college athlete has completed his or her degree then they should receive a small amount for what they help bring into the school. Giving college athletes a compensation could make them more interested in staying longer instead of leaving so early to go pro. It could also make them less inclined to accept benefits from boosters and anyone else. This could save them from fines by the NCAA, and also suspensions in future seasons. This could be made legal by NCAA rules, and would be completely possible. It is the considered the “pot of gold”

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