Analyst Core Values

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From my perspective as a human resources analyst, I firmly believe that the most important core values to our role are integrity, open communication, and leading by example. I believe that as an analyst, integrity must be at the foundation of all that we do within our profession. Additionally, I believe that as human resources analysts we must lead the charge in establishing the standard of what open communication should look like. In my opinion, setting the standards of open communication are fueled by integrity, and solidified by leading by example. These three core values are of the utmost importance and in my opinion very dependent on each other. I will now elaborate on why I firmly believe that the most important core values to our role as human resource analysts are integrity, open communication, and leading by example. As mentioned above, we as human resource analysts should have integrity as the foundation to everything we do within our profession. Integrity encompasses our honesty, accuracy, and consistency of our …show more content…

No team or organization can truly be successful if there is poor communication. If one were to do the research it would be found that more often than not when one hears about the downfall of an organization or business that one of the root causes is almost always a breakdown in communication or even worse, secretive communication lacking integrity as its foundation. Integrity fuels open communication and creates leaders. When the team believes that there is an honest, open dialogue with integrity at its foundation it is much easier for there to be clear channels of successful communication at all levels. For us to be successful human resources analysts we must hold this core value to be of utmost importance to successfully perform our jobs and best serve the teams we serve as