Animal Testing Satire

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By now in` today's society we have all heard about animal testing and people who are against it such as PETA. But have we all actually thought about animal testing and what we buy every day the product could of been animal tested. Theses are the reasons animal testing is bad.

As we know there are animal rights movements for example their is PETA and ASPCA which fight for animal rights. But did you know that their are laws that require some things to be animal tested.The EPA requires by law that pesticides be tested on dogs, who are shoved into “inhalation chambers” where they try in vain to escape the deadly poisons that are pumped in. the FDA requires companies marketing fluoride products to swab the teeth of 200 rats with the test substance for two weeks, at which time the animals are killed and their heads baked in an oven for an hour. Now i think these are the laws that needed to be changed. …show more content…

Like how often does it work that is not deadly for humans.For example Chimpanzees, for example, animals with whom we share more than 98% of our DNA, don’t suffer from fatal forms of AIDS, hepatitis B or common malaria – diseases which kill millions of people every year. Chocolate which is another reason it is completely harmless to us but for dogs it's like a deathwish. Why even study them i mean animals’ bodies are different from ours. They don’t get the same diseases that we

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