Argumentative Essay On Breastfeeding

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When an infant is born they have basic needs that must be met to ensure they develop correctly; one of these needs is nutrient rich foods. Regardless of economic status, there is an obligation a mother has to her baby and nature has provided them with the most inexpensive solution through breastfeeding since the mother would be the one the food money would be spent on so she could produce the milk. At birth, babies have a very weak immune system and it can take quite a while for it to fully develop. The best way to ensure they are being protected from pathogens around them is through the consumption of breast milk because when a baby is first born and for most of its development they are inseparable from their mother and subsequently encounter the same germs throughout the day. The mother’s body will have been fighting off these germs since their body first detected them while the baby does not have the capability to do so until they receive the necessary bacteria to prevent sickness from their mother’s …show more content…

They claim that it sets an inappropriate example for young children to see a woman openly display her body, this may cause confusions on their sexuality or questions and curiosity about seeing them more. Parents want to protect their young children from seeing too much at a young age. They point out that public indecency is illegal, therefore breastfeeding in public should also be illegal. However, when women have no choice but to breastfeed in public, they do so discreetly because they do not wish to draw attention to themselves. Most breastfeeding women do their best to maintain their modesty when in public so no one sees anything that would be deemed as inappropriate. Some mothers agree with the masses and opt to bottle feed anyway and use a breast pump so their baby still receives the nutrients without having to directly