Pros And Cons Of Breastfeeding

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When a baby is born various thoughts come up to the minds of the parents one of these thoughts is about breastfeeding. Breastfeeding is when the mother provides her baby with feed directly from her, this happens by the baby sucking from the nipple which is called sucking reflex and drinking milk. Many think that breastfeeding is a simple thing, but the truth is that it’s really not simple and it’s a very marvelous thing. Although there are various types of feeds for kids Breastfeeding is always recommended by health professionals, and apart from breastfeeding being a natural way to feed an infant even studies have shown that breastfeeding is always the best feed both for the mother’s health and for the baby’s health as well.

-pros and cons …show more content…

As I have mentioned above an advantage to breastfeed is that its very healthy for both the mother and the infant. Breastfeeding helps the mother by loosing weight faster as breastfeeding can help burn calories while for the baby it can help develop the brain and grow in way that it can prevent certain disabilities (such as learning disabilities) in the future. A disadvantage can be that it may be a stressful time for the mother until she learns how to properly handle breastfeeding This disadvantage can be handled by a nurse working in the maternity sector or a midwife, which helps the mother to understand and how to handle breastfeeding.

-Components of breast milk

what are the components of breast milk ? Breast milk is composed of proteins, fats, carbohydrates and vitamins. This is the reason why breast milk is the best feed for the infants as it provides the baby with a good combination of things needed for a baby to live. A type of cell that fight various infection can also be found only in the milk this cell is called leukocyte. This is what makes breast milk the best as certain aspects cannot be added in to other products unlike the natural Breast milk .