Argumentative Essay On Gmo Foods

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After research the topic of genetically modified foods, I see both sided of the story. Many Americans are concerned about the safety of genetically modified foods, because in my opinion they don’t know much about them so they aren’t sure if they are safe. Biotech companies have not provided evidence or reassured to Americans that these foods are as safe as they say they are. Therefore, I believe Americans do have a right to be concerned.
I recently have been taking a nutrition course this semester, and it has opened my eyes to all the things wrong with our typical westernized diet. Many Americans this days have obesity issues, higher risks to cancer, higher risks to diabetes, etc. from the sugary, unhealthy foods we eat every day. I find it interesting that people are so concerned about genetically modified foods and their effects on human health, when what we are eating now (processed foods) are not good for us but we keep eating them anyways. Scientists are saying that genetically modified foods are modified to increase their nutrition value. This may be a thing needed in our country, due to the type of unhealthy diet we live on today. …show more content…

“Some critics are concerned about the issue of unknown allergic reaction to plants that may now contain allergens not found in them before the insertion of a new gene. Others argue that inserted traits could be passed on to other plants in neighboring fields and there could be gene transfer from one species of plant to another. Others feel that human manipulation of nature is not, well, natural and could have other unknown adverse