Argumentative Essay On Gun Control

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Gun control has become a very controversial topic within recent years as a result of increased mass shootings. Many americans and politicians are feuding over pro-gun rights and anti-gun rights, but most seem to take sides, mostly in favor of their political parties, whether it be the democratic party or the republican party. Hillary Clinton, the Democratic nomination for president supports increased gun control. She hopes to ban assault rifles, and tighten gun laws in all fifty states. The Republican nomination, Donald Trump, on the other hand does not support increased gun control and is in favor of removing harsh gun control policies. He hopes to have open carry in all fifty states and he believes that americans have the right to defend themselves.
Hillary Clinton, supports increased gun control. Hillary wants to restrict the Second Amendment on the basis that, “Too many families in America have suffered—and continue to suffer—from gun violence.” Hillary hopes to end gun violence by banning military style rifles and by strengthening background checks on gun sales. With this she hopes to make a safer society for families to live in. Although, Hillary has some good views about gun violence, she fails to see that a gun is just an object used by man. Guns are not the problem in this society, it is mankind. We should …show more content…

He clearly states that, "Law-abiding people should be allowed to own the firearm of their choice. The government has no business dictating what types of firearms good, honest people are allowed to own,". Donald Trump respects people's rights, and understands that guns are what made America. Without guns we as Americans would have no way of defending ourselves and we would have no way to provide for ourselves. Without guns, we might as well live like caged animal, without any