Argumentative Essay On Legalizing Marijuana

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Dakota Phelps English IV January 11, 2016 7th hour Marijuana Often called weed, dope, grass, and bud, marijuana has a plethora of uses aside from just being a medical and recreational drug. On one hand marijuana is often associated with crime and by being classified as a gateway drug. On the other hand it is utilized for medical, nutritional, and economical aspects that are commonly overlooked when deciding if it is good or bad. In order to form an opinion on the controversy surrounding marijuana one must first consider its effects on the human body , its religious and historical background, and its effect on the economy. Commonly viewed as a drug that needs to be smoked, marijuana can also be ingested or used as a topical cream. Marijuana consists of a variety of chemicals, all of which are non nitrogenous. These chemicals are classified as cannabinoids and are what makes marijuana unique from most hallucinogenic plants. One of the chemicals, tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), is believed to be the main psychoactive agent along with other cannabinoids. In order to achieve the “high” THC needs …show more content…

According to the state of Colorado’s tax by county report medical marijuana brought them a total revenue of $830,044 and Retail (recreational) marijuana brought them a total $4,195,079. Washington, the only other state that has legalized marijuana, has also made an astounding amount of money from the tax on both medical and recreational marijuana. According to Washington’s recreational marijuana tax report their local retail sales was reported to be $3,670,085. Based on these two states, and averaging every state’s possible sales at $4,000,000, the U.S. as a whole could possibly bring in 200,000,000 annually. Now that’s if every state brings in close to $4,000,000, even if they don’t the potential amount of money that could be made is astounding and that isn’t even including revenue from medical