Arguments Against Animal Testing

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Animals have been frequently used over the years as experimentations. Animals are kept in cages inside a laboratory, waiting to be out and tested for a certain product. I believe animals shouldn’t be exposed to this ill-used type of level because technology has advanced and there can be other methods available for researchers. Animal cruelty is horrible because they experience pain and obviously have feelings too. Each year an estimated twenty-six million animals are victimized for scientific or commercial testing. Many people own animals and they’ve created a love bond that is similar in having a child. I strongly believe that animals shouldn’t be used for research because it is inhumane. First, animal testing has both pros and cons. In the article “No animals don’t have rights,” the author Damon Linker discusses how animals shouldn’t have legal rights because humans aren’t supposed to interact with an animal. The New York article explains that an animal does not have the ability to be taken care of as if it were a person. Linker states that animals can’t feel the same pain as another human; therefore humans shouldn’t feel a …show more content…

Humans use animals on a daily basis due to a safety manner. For example, Make-up is utilized by women and but in order to sell the product, the company must test it out and ensure themselves it’s safe. I believe without this plan, we can’t be warned if the product is functional. Animals are tested to provide efficient results and it can do the job easier for any company. Humans are prone to make mistakes but by experimenting on animals; it creates the perfect solution that won’t fail. One testing debate is that humans would rather use an animal than a person because it’s simple and an animal should take the pain instead. The idea of testing animals has helped in finding new ways to cure illnesses that have made humans live