Army, Indivisible: The Themes In The United States Army

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The United States Army is the most powerful military forces in the world, but within it construct the Army has its issues. In the Army there are three branches active Army, Army reserve, Army National guard. Each play a vital role with completing the nation’s mission. The Issue is that each branch as developed a stereotype that makes it hard to work with each other. That is where “one Army, Indivisible” stems from the theme for fiscal year (FY) 2017-18. That we are not one active Army, National Guard, or reserve branch but one Army, indivisible. To help better understand what “one Army, indivisible” mean we need to look at what themes have come before the current one. Also on how to development of the new theme. Finally how we can unite the …show more content…

The Army has adopted many theme over the year to state their intent or mission set. The themes also focus on current events that were happing in the army to strengthen the bond within the Army and help us achieve goals. In 2013 the America’s Army – Our Profession (AAOP) adopted three quarterly themes “Standards and Discipline,” “Customs, Courtesies, and Traditions,” “Military Expertise ‒Certified Army Professionals,” and “Trust“. Standards and Discipline,” was first adopted early 2013 to ensure that the Army personal to adhere to the Army standard, and to show discipline in situations. The Army adopted “Customs, Courtesies, and traditions” next. Customs that include positive actions-things you do, and taboos-things you avoid, courtesies like saying hello to higher ranking personal or standing at attention/ parade rest your seniors, traditions that the Army has gone away from. “Military Expertise …show more content…

It applies to all Army organizations Regular Army, Army National Guard, and Army Reserve Components) and all Army professionals (Soldiers and Army Civilians). It required a shared understanding of the communities of practice, components, and cohorts within. This will help us better able to appreciate the vital role each plays in accomplishing the Army’s mission. When combined with the training and experience expected through the continued development of multi-component units, training partnerships, and operations, the Total Force will improve its readiness and teamwork. That is how the “One army, Indivisible” theme was develop. Now that it was developed, the next step would be to implement the program to the Army