Army Officer Research Paper

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What exactly is an Army Officer? Army officer are the people that command and control the troops on the battlefield to ensure the shared common goal is met, but there is much more to being an Army officer then just that. Throughout the history of the United States Army there has always been officers and today that remains the same. Now, not all officers are the same many lead with different styles of leadership and have various strengths and weaknesses. Officers are essentially the brains of the Army, where the enlisted side is considered more of the backbone of the Army. Army Officers are necessity in the fact that they help unify and motivate soldiers, the management skills needed to maintain the soldiers to standard, and the ability to make …show more content…

The Army as a whole has a great deal of moving parts that consist in the Army functioning, therefore there has to be people in the Army to maintain and manage those various aspects. Those people that are in charge in the managing and maintain army standards is the officers, from Colonel to a 2nd Lieutenant they are both essential in this skill. Officers are in charge of planning their subordinates plan of action. Now with this honor of being trusted by the United States to be able to actually plan comes a great deal of responsibility. The reason why is because if they fail to create a plan that is going to be successful and plan for all aspects, then a soldier or soldiers could suffer the cost by either being wounded or sadly possibly death. They also carry the responsibility of maintain their soldiers to Army standards, that way they are always able to mobilize effectively and be efficient. Officers need to be equipped with the ability with good management skills or else the Army would consist of soldiers are not to standard. Hypothetically, if the United States were to go to war right now with a major nation every soldier, platoon, company, etc., should be ready to effectively mobilize and be efficient in their area of specialization. If those soldiers are failed by their officers then the United States could be looking at a rough start to a war that could possibly put the existence of the United States at risk. That just reinforces the reasoning on why the United States Army needs officers is to be able manage standards. So, the day to day training for soldiers is planned and supervised by the officer in charge. They are a necessity to make sure soldiers are not only doing the training, but also that they are doing it correctly. As long as the officers in the Army are doing their job the Army will continue to be a successful fighting