CSU Personal Statement

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For more than a decade, I have been building a career in human service and community health education, working with individuals, families, and youth in the Boston/Cambridge area. I have experienced limited success in my career thus far and have decided to transition to something new. I hope by furthering my education at Colorado State University (CSU); would afford me the opportunity to do so successfully.

My goal now is to establish a fruitful career in Business. I would like to utilize and develop new skills building a new career in Project Management (preferably) within the IT field. I am choosing to pursue my degree at CSU, because of the ability to specialize my degree to focus on my interests. Also, CSU’s affordability and tri-semester system allows me to continue working full-time, without feeling overwhelmed with the cost of my education or the demands of handling multiple classes at the same time. Also having the opportunity to double minor or receive undergraduate certifications in my specializations along with my degree gives me the chance to stand out from the rest, as I …show more content…

Though, I have been successful at times in completing courses towards my degree. There have been times; I have felt incredibly overwhelmed due to the demands of life and school. I have learned through counseling and from the support of friends and family how to identify and handle these “triggers,” which may impede my mental health. CSU’s tri-semester system is ideal in this situation. I have the ability only to focus on one course at a time. Allowing me to balance school and work more efficiently. Along with the support of friends and family, I have gone the extra step to hire a job coach to help guide and support me as I begin the journey of starting a new career. My coach can help me market myself to employers and showcase the knowledge I obtain from

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