
Cannabis Argumentative Essay

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“Smoke weed everyday,” a lyric sang in the famous ”The Next Episode” by Dr. Dre impacted people to sing a catchy saying whether they were smokers or not.The song came out in 2000, however the saying continues to generate throughout young adults from each generation. The person who made this saying popular in the song is the one and only Snoop Dogg a Cannabis smoker himself. From that moment on, most rappers would either mention weed, smoking it during a video, or both. Cannabis chatter regulates as a controversial topic for people who commonly leans towards being only anti-Cannabis or pro-Cannabis with no room for the middle. Even though majority of the population would like to rid Cannabis from human existence through scare tactics, Cannabis …show more content…

When a person becomes ill from adolescence through adulthood, that person has been given a pill or pills for that illness. Pills are disturbed and ends up becoming immune in the body because of the adaptations the illness builds to come back stronger. For example, say a person has caught the flu or a really bad cold in general. The doctor will prescribe different pills for the different pains. Or a person that has cancer along with insomnia would have to have different pills for the the different problems.”Medical cannabis is one such solution”(Dustin Sulak). A doctor that works for medical clinics which are held in Maine and Massachusetts have and continue to review that Cannabis is the drug to every problem the body faces during a person's unique life. The one herb holds a natural and safe way to deal with the the different aspects of the mind and body. Users recommend Cannabis for just about anything from Insomnia, Cancer, Chronic Pain, PTSD, stress, anxiety, helping with HIV, also losing weight even though the drug makes you want to eat. The cause would be the cannabinoids inside Cannabis which tells the body to make more receptors in the body,however, it will only work in small doses and not on the first time because it has to build It is better this way because large unnecessary amounts will end up hurting the body or a person's performance. Cannabinoids deal with homeostasis and regulationing the inner parts of the body while alter human emotions and behavior giving a person a happier creativity look on life(Sulak). Cannabis can be smoked as most do, but the drug can be taken as a pill as well. However, smoking is a more reliable way due to you can control how much you take of the substance because you can overdose due to pills being dangerous to the body in general,and smoking has a faster reaction rate(Alger). Due to these effects, the drug is made illegal. "The illegality

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