Cannabis Should Be Legalized Recreational

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If cannabis is legalized for recreational purposes in Canada, the outcome won’t be great at all. Citizens could restrict the amount they consume, or they could be completely reckless and cause dangers to everyone. Cannabis should only be legalized for medical purposes and not for recreational due to its dangers and unpleasantries it may cause. Cannabis is great medically because it can treat various amounts of diseases such as AIDs and Arthritis. Cannabis should not be legalized recreationally because it will trouble Canada and the smell may irritate other citizens. Cannabis will affect society in a negative way as people might be bothered by the dreadful and there will be a bigger number of impaired drivers, therefore, affecting law enforcement. The recreational use of cannabis has no positive effects on our society marijuana has amazing impacts for only medicinal use as cannabis can treat loads of diseases, so it should stay just as it is. Like we need enormous car accidents that take innocent people’s lives, legalizing cannabis for anyone to have at any time doesn’t sound too appealing. With …show more content…

Cannabis will greatly affect the public but definitely not in a good way. The second-hand smoke will affect the health condition of the public by possibly receiving respiratory infection, ear infections and chronic cough. Rode safety is also a very critical issue. With the legalization of recreational use of marijuana, there will be more impaired drivers intoxicated by marijuana taking lives of others and making roads very unsafe to drive on. The legalization of recreational use of cannabis will not only effect are society and road safety, but it might be bothersome for law enforcement. Since, intoxicated people will cause harm both to the public, more specifically on the road, will give unnecessary work for law enforcement. For recreational purposes, cannabis appears to be very unnecessary, troublesome, unsafe and