Career And Major Essay

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Developing My Career and Major
Today crime plays a huge role in this generation. Criminals seem to not realize what the consequence may be at the time of their crime. Taking up Criminal Justice has always been a dream of mine, every since I was a kid. As a kid, I enjoyed watching First 48, crime scene investigations on tv, etc. My grandfather was a Police Detective, in which he played a huge role in my life. At the age of 10, I realized what I wanted to be when I grew up as a child, and that was a Police Detective. A detective is a police officer, whose duty is to detect criminals, by in-depth investigation of cases. Criminal justice is one of the most important majors one can study due to the necessity to keep the streets safe and clean. From street cops, to state troopers all the way to game wardens, the criminal justice system play a very important part of modern society, as it keeps us safe from murders, rapists and other various criminals/crimes. I think I should be a part of the criminal justice system because I am one who cares about other people lives, especially young children. My grandfather taught me to always do what’s right, and to help protect my family, and community. …show more content…

I researched more information on Criminal Justice, and it grew my focus on that major even more. My grandfather taught me the basics of being a police detective. One of the things he taught was that a criminal always makes mistakes, and leave some type of evidence behind. Most times the evidence left behind is less visible, such as fingerprints, blood stains, small particles, Even though one may say some police are bad guys, I can say myself there are some good ones out there in this world. I would someday like too consider myself as one of the “good ones” just like my grandfather