Cause And Effect Essay On Texting And Driving

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Is your phone more important to you than your spouse? Or even your children? How about a random coworker that works in the same office that you do? When you text while driving your basically saying yes to all of those questions. Not only your life's in danger when you make the fatal error of texting when behind the wheel, other people suffer from your decisions. One push of a button and your world as you know it is over. We can stop this before it’s too late. It’s up to you.

There are many ways to get in a car accident. Texting and driving is one of the top cause of car wrecks, along with drinking and driving ( Michael Pines law firm). Studies show that texting while behind the wheel is actually about six times more likely to cause an accident than driving intoxicated. ( even provided an acronym connected with driving under the …show more content…

Your love ones began to think that it was their fault you died in that horrific car crash, that they could of done something different to prevent your death. Brock Dietrich has those thoughts every single day. His 17 year old daughter Sydnee Williams died in a wreck in October of 2013. Her car ran off the road while she was texting and driving. Syndee’s father talks about her life to high schools in Ohio, trying to prevent more deaths. Dietrich says “What really struck me , what I have to live with, is that I used to text and drive in front of her.” He blames himself for the tragedy, but the reality is that a majority of Americans agree that texting while driving is dangerous, but in a culture with more screen time than facetime, keeping phones out of sight in the car is better said than done, according to a new survey provided exclusively by USA TODAY Network. Think before you make the fatal mistake Sydnee Williams made. One push of a button, one glance down ruined many people's