
Ccu Essay Sample

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I am ready to return to CCU. Recent events have made that clear to me; and after some serious time in prayer, I want to finish my plan to get my Bachelor’s degree. I have used my AA degree from CCU during these past few years to excel in my career as first a Project Manager, then as a Territory Sales Manager. I have also utilized it as my position as the head of the household. I feel as though my OM/PM degree will only help me to continue becoming the leader He wants me to be. I also feel as though it will help propel my desires for this life and my career. I want to become a better person as a whole, and a degree will validate my position in all areas. I strive for quality of life and security for my family, but recent struggles have proven …show more content…

I work in a very worldly industry, and have succumbed to drifting away from God and taken on a “I’ll just do it myself” approach. CCU will give me the Godly focus that has been absent in my walk for so long. I was reading my bible recently and turned right to Matthew 16:26-27, in which he writes: “What good will it be for a man if he gains the whole world, yet forfeits his soul? Or what can a man give in exchange for his soul? For the Son of Man is going to come in his Father’s glory with his angels, and then He will reward each person according to what he has done.” (NIV) This passage really hit home with me, and it made me search for a way to shine in the eyes of the Lord – and to have done something worthy of His endless rewards. I have decided to volunteer at church with the children’s ministry, and yet again, found myself searching for the foundation I once had while at CCU. I felt like a fraud teaching these children the lessons of life from a biblical perspective, when I hadn’t completed that foundation in my own life. I am confident that CCU will help me achieve that foundation. My wife has also decided to return to CCU and finish her

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