
Charles Darwin Dbq

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Faith Kelly 25 June 2024 Unit Comparison 3. From the late 1800s and early 1900s the world experienced a great amount of catastrophes resulting in high casualties and economic collapse. Though some good did come during this period of time. There were great efforts in science, specifically with the inventions of new bombs and the ideas of evolution. When taking a look at Charles Darwin's letter and the atomic bomb, we see both respect and the utter disregard for nature. Nature in regards to living things in the last century has struggled greatly at the hands of dictatorships and war between nations. Charles Darwin was unlike these nations and strived to learn more. Charles Darwin was a British scientist whose ideas of evolution were revolutionary …show more content…

At this time, there is not only evolution in biology but also in the industrial revolution taking place around the world. Which allows for large machinery to be made and also the ability to easily fix these machines. This is important because it shows how much influence scientists truly had during this time period. Darwin had a strong connection to nature. It's what he devoted his entire life's work to. He focused on biology and natural selection, which has an effect on all forms of life. Darwin showed how much he cherishes nature and how it is constantly changing. The constant evolution of science led to the creation of the atomic bomb. The atomic bomb was created by the US and used in August 1945 in Hiroshima. The bomb was used in retaliation for the attacks on Pearl Harbor. The atomic bomb was the first nuclear weapon of its time. The effects of the bomb on humans and the natural resources were relatively unknown. Through an interview with the Smithsonian, some of these effects had on the people of Hiroshima. There was immense destruction and death. The people affected by the bomb. There were men and women left dead half alive in the streets. This source shows how important nature is to the author. These people had to watch

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