Childhood Obesity Persuasive Essay

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Childhood Obesity – Your FAT Child Could Die Young!
Disease will attack corpulent, overweight, unhealthy children more rapidly than healthy slim children. Medically, this is a fact. There is no dispute!
Overweight is explained as having excess body weight for a particular height from either fat, muscle, bone, water or a combination.
Obesity is having excess body fat!
Being overweight and obese are essentially the result of less calories expended as opposed to amount of calories consumed.
The effects of childhood obesity may include
- High cholesterol
- High blood pressure
- Diabetes
- Bone problems
- Skin conditions
20+% of kids are obese. The effects of childhood obesity...Who is accountable? We can consider of a number of concerns as outlined below... …show more content…

Together with bad food choices, arguably these are the main problems. How many kids can even spell the word “sport” today?
Parents predominately live stressful and hectic lives. They get precious little time with their kids, never mind preparing healthy nutritious home cooked meals the kids need.
Food advertising is everywhere. The world’s population is coerced into buying junk food at some stage or other, normally because it’s “Fast Food” and there many other interests out there more exciting than preparing a well-balanced healthy meal. french fries, hot dogs, hamburgers, and fish sticks. This is particularly prevalent in “3rd world” countries where once malnutrition was a problem, now that fast food chains opened up in these countries obesity among children has grown at an alarming rate.
The list is endless and unfortunately very