College Admission Essay Sample

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“In every walk with nature, one receives more than he seeks.” Wildlife, pertaining to animals and nature in general, has the ability to heal a human’s soul. Wildlife is more important than society sometimes realizes and plays a huge role in everyone’s day to day lives. The passion I have for animals, nature, and the environment is why I chose to major in Wildlife, and I decided to participate in this learning community to form bonds with those my age who have similar interests as myself. When it came time for college applications and choosing a major, the decision was a no-brainer for me. Actually, I didn’t even know Purdue offered a Wildlife major until about a week before I starting filling out applications because I had previously planned on going into nursing. Once I decided that was not the path for me and that I wanted to work with animals I began, very anxiously and stressfully, scrolling through majors on the Purdue application page unsure of what I was going to choose in such a limited amount of time. Once I saw Wildlife though, I instantly …show more content…

I derive great pleasure from being outside in the midst of nature; there is just something about being outside in the fresh air while listening to the birds chirp and insects buzz that truly can put the mind and soul at peace. Not only are the career options outdoor, but they are also travelable. Many of the careers that come from this field of study have opportunities to travel and experience other domains. The last reason I chose to study Wildlife is that learning about the environment intrigues me and I have always wanted to learn much more about it. I am so incredibly confident in choosing my major, and another added bonus is that the department it’s in is extremely involved and even offers a super cool learning community! (Yes, that was meant to be cheesy, even though the learning community actually is really

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