
Compare And Contrast Essay 2016

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President 2016 Election
The 2016 president election is going to be different from many of the past elections. This election has a former celebrity on the Republican side and a women running on the democrat side. The celebrity and the woman are actually the two candidates I am going to be discussing in my research paper. The two candidates I am referring to is Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton. I wanted to discuss the views between these two candidates because one is Republican and one is Democrat. The Republican is Donald Trump and he is the one I am more for because I am a Republican myself. Hillary Clinton, on the other hand, is a Democrat. In my family we are mostly Republicans and it is my belief to follow my family because we are Christian …show more content…

First I want to tell my view towards it. I believe the nation does need more security because of the terrorist attacks we have had in the past. For example, the time that 9/11 occurred in the United States we as Americans may have been able to stop this from happening only in we had better security in the airports. I am not saying we do not have good security in airports but we could make it a little more secured. The first candidate I am going to discuss on national security beliefs is Donald Trump. Donald Trump is for sure against immigrants crossing into the U.S. Trump also does not even want Muslims to come into the U.S. I remember hearing on the news about Trump wanting to actually build a wall up to prevent people who are not suppose to come into the United States to not be able to get in at all. I have a source that tells five reasons why trump may win the 2016 election. The source states: " He has been deliberately strokin the outrage among his supporters that sustains his campaign—whether it is by stirring controversies by saying that muslims should be banned from entering the U.S or by advancing his dispute charge that the Obama administration wants to ship 200,000 Syrian refugees to the U.S who could include terrorists" (Nilanjana) I do believe in Trumps banning people who do not belong in the United States. I think Trump has many good points that terrorism is wrong. Trump does not think the Obama administration should ship refugees over here because it is not right. There could be many terrorists among the ship. Also another statement from Trump says: We have done a tremendous disservice not only to the Middle East. We have done a tremendous disservice to humanity, the people that have been killed, the people that have been wiped away, and for what? Its not like we had victory. This statement is saying people have

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