Correlation Between Gender And Hours Of Sleep Per School Night

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The report ceases to identify the correlation between gender and hours of sleep per school night. The report is based on the survey conducted by the Washington State Healthy Youth Survey to identify the hours of sleep ranging from five or less hours of sleep or six or more hours per night for 12th grade male and female student. The survey conducted reveals that male students tend to sleep more hours than female students. Female students sleep less hours compared to male students per school night.


Two hypothesis are presented within this report. The first hypothesis states that male will sleep significantly more than female students during school nights.. The second hypothesis states that female male will significantly sleep less than male counterparts during school nights.

Findings …show more content…

The survey measures the hours of sleep on school nights ranging from five hours or less or six hours or more of sleep in female and male 12th grade students. The chart is based on a survey conducted based on the questions: what is the gender and on an average school night how many hours of sleep. The answers are arranged in the category male or female corresponding to five or more hours or six or more hours of sleep per school night.

Table 1 represents the sample size for male and female represented within the survey. The percent of male and female students are represented in table 1 based on the sample size. The percent of students who sleep five or more hours is represented within table 2 both male 222 and female 286. Male and female who sleep six hours or more represent 1,284 female and 1,327 male in table