
Cresa Entity

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“Cresa is an international corporate real estate advisory firm that exclusively represents tenants” (“At a Glance”). It offers an array of tenant based services to consult, advise, prepare and move clients into new office spaces. Although compromised of over 100 offices, each location is its own Cresa entity. Within each of the offices, the brokers, too, are their own Cresa entity. This allows the offices and employees to uniquely alter and cater to their markets and customers. Locally, this makes the offices extremely successful but nationally it causes discrepancies between Cresa as a company. Cresa has a very self-regulating and entrepreneurial culture that serves as competitive advantage in individual markets but deters the overall company …show more content…

This is direct and easy to comprehend. Employees’ highest concern are their clients and ensuring their satisfaction. Cresa’s mission is consistently branded internally and externally to both clients and employees, making it well known, recognizable and implementable. However, the company bases the effectiveness of its mission off of the quantity, not quality of exposure. Although it is shown everywhere, its reach is not impactful. “Missions work best when they are grounded in the past and project that past into the future. Additionally when they focus less on what the company does and more on what they will do for their key customers” (Jaffe, 1993, pg 64). Based upon this notion, Cresa’s mission is not as effective as it could be. Cresa should reform its mission to incorporate the company’s overall goal, not just its service offerings. To be further effective, missions must be progressive, personal and evoke a personal response (Jaffe, 1993, pg 68). It is vital that mission statements evoke emotions; for employees so they are motivated to fulfill the mission; for customers so they can align their values and needs to be met. Specifically Cresa should incorporate inclusive language that states the overall growth …show more content…

It provides resources and talents for these services from within the organization. It only outsources special skill sets such as tax incentive advisory and architect expertise. Operation Factors The office must be in downtown DC for the employees to be familiar with the market and have the access to tour and visit clients and spaces. Cresa’s service are reliant upon the economic market and the job economy. These factors affect companies’ labor needs, therefore affecting their office requirements. This in turn directly affects the demand for Cresa’s services. The majority of Cresa’s operational costs go towards labor expenses since it is a service provider. Operational/ Quality Challenges Capacity planning is extremely inconsistent for Cresa because it is not in control of the business it brings in. Rather the clients are the ultimate decision makers and hire Cresa. Therefore, monthly and yearly outputs and capacity utilization rates vary and cannot be accurately forecasted. This inconsistency is also found within the quality of Cresa’s service. Quality of services are thought to be more variable than goods because they are intangible, unable to be stored in inventory and impossible to separate from the provider. Cresa’s corporate real estate services vary between each broker and each office creating an unreliable quality level. The provider additionally tailors the message based upon the customer’s unique

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