Dave Eggers 'Serve Or Fail'

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After reading the article “Serve or Fail” written by Dave Eggers on June 13, 2004, he explained why he thinks people that are enrolled in college, mainly universities, should have to do community service. Eggers claims that college is too long and people should spend their time doing things to help out the community rather than doing meaningless activities. Eggers acknowledges that college students aren’t at the stage anymore of being caught up in family, or after school activities, and they should get involved in the world around them and help out the ones that really need the time and effort of others. He puts forth many arguments such as what he did with his time while he was in college, the facts about how volunteering can help, and how volunteering will incorporate learning. While he was in college at a large university, Eggers stated that after he got all his school work done he had lots of free time on his hands. He played foosball, cricket, nine ball, backyard archery, and a game that he and his roommates made up. His point is that college had a lot of time that needed to be killed, and so he volunteered some of his time at in Urbana-Champaign, Y.M.C.A and a senior citizen home. Even though he didn’t necessarily …show more content…

If every college student were forced to volunteer before they got their college degree that would be over 6 million students making places better to live and better for the environment. Michael R. Veon, a Democratic member of Pennsylvania's House of Representatives, proposed a bill that would require students to volunteer 25 hours every year. That would make around two million volunteer hours annually. I think doing the one credit for every 25 hours will motivate the students to actually take part in the volunteering process. That way college students can earn their credits a different way other than having a gym class or taking something that they don’t want to