Cognitive Psychology Advantages And Disadvantages

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Learning theories are the core guidance on planning the educational system. With the knowledge of the general principles,educators can manipulate their knowledge more efficiently to meet with diversity in learning circumstances. Theory by general definition is a the establishment and an explanation of the way brain acquiring knowledge. It is a sequence of a hypothesis that corresponding to each other which should be able to outline, clarify, predict or have control of the scenario. Learning theories defined as a description of learning and the approach towards the way a person obtain, assemble and use their skills and knowledge. Educational psychology is build up from range theories and views about the learning process and the …show more content…

Ulric Neisser initially used the term cognitive psychology in the year 1967. Cognitive psychology was about how the human mind processes the information and bring out the results. It is an intercession process that happened between stimulus and response. Cognitive psychology believes that regardless of how complicated behavior can be, it can be simplified to a simple cognitive process such as perception or memory. This is called reductionist approach. Cognitive psychology used laboratory approach to understand about human behavior. However, this approach was criticized due to lack of ecological validity. The major advantages of cognitive psychology are it is a scientifically viable approach that can easily combine with another approach because it can create a multi-store model of memory process. Yet it still been criticized. Behaviorist B.F. Skinner critic the approach as he believes only to measurable behavior and the mediation process does not exist and can’t be measure. Humanistic psychology Carl Rogers stated that laboratory experiment is lacking ecological validity due to the control of variables, thus, it creates a fake …show more content…

Vygotsky assumes that learner will learn best when actively participating in a learning session with the teacher through doing constructed activities. Vygotsky builds a theory of Zone Proximal Development (ZPD) which is an undercover area of knowledge that a learner can build when teacher able to refine the way of learner perform. In social constructivism, the role of human linguistic abilities enable learner to outdone natural limitation. Vygotsky ZPD will enables the learner to reach a potential development by the guidance and participation or teacher as facilitator and peers. A learner capability of problem-solving and understanding situation will be upgraded above their actual development because constructivist believes the cognitive structures that still in the process of maturing will mature after compromising with the guidance or with the participation with others. Social constructivism also believe motivation are from both intrinsic and extrinsic. Learner is motivated by their internal drive to learn and also as a reward for having the knowledge. Advantages of social constructivism theory towards learning are the learning process itself is transferable, where the learners build knowledge and able to bring the knowledge to other teaching sessions. Learner will have the ownership their learning in view of is