Definition Essay On Happiness

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“Happiness.” (pause) Happiness is a very complex concept and everybody has its own definition of it. According to, “It is not measurable, profitable, nor exchangeable”. But it is what people are looking for above everything else. Some people think that there are more important things to worry about than “happiness” and that it is a futile concept, and others see it as extremely important and something that every human being fundamentally wants in life. So let’s start by looking at what happiness actually means. definition of happiness is the following: “Happiness is about being able to make the most of the good times – but also to cope effectively with the inevitable bad times, in order to experience the best possible life overall. “ …show more content…

And positive emotions as joy and faith help us communicate with others and develop our capacity to be strong when things go wrong.
Trying to be happy and live a pleasant life does not mean refusing unpleasant emotions or pretending to be joyful 24/7. As human beings, we all experience bad times and it’s completely normal and healthy for us to feel unpleasant emotions… It is part of what makes up human.
It has only been a few years since psychologists begin to appreciate the benefits of happiness and positive emotion. According to, there are plenty benefits of being happy: it permits people to better appreciate life, experience joy, be more social and creative, feel peaceful, and give meaning to life. Yes, happiness has the power give sense and purpose to life.
According to the doctors in the healthcare field, who are considered happy have been found to make faster and more accurate diagnoses. Happiness also seems to be associated to better ability to make decisions and enhance