Digital Natives Digital Immigrants Written By Mark Prensky

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Finding the way to integrate technology inside the schools is an overwhelming task. Not everybody is ready, or not everybody feels prepared; is a process that requires to adapt, continually learn and apply various skills. However technology is already integrated in everything people do. So it is important to find a balance between technology, teachers and schools.
When people talk about technology there are two kinds of people that become evident: the digital natives and the digital immigrant. This two concepts come out from the article Digital Natives, Digital immigrants written by Mark Prensky in 2001. On one hand there are the digital natives that are related to the latest generations that were born in a time where they were already surrounded …show more content…

Of course, it also has to be considered that inside the group there will be people with different strengths, so this means that some teachers would feel more comfortable, or will be more confident with the use of technology inside the classroom, so these persons could help in making the rest of the colleagues feel more comfortable with technology, since there is going to be someone there to help the rest if they don’t know what to …show more content…

This is one of the advantages of technology that must be taught and enjoyed for the benefit of everyone.
Technology will allow people to take information from many sources from one place to another in a very little tool as flash memory versus the four encyclopedias you would need to consult. It also saves a lot of photocopies and paper.

There are diverse tools that can be used in the classroom under the supervision of the teacher one of them is the smart board. This allows the students to see broader pictures and documents on one of the classroom walls. This tool is interactive and brings lots of programs with games that can be found online for the students to use and for the teacher to discover. It saves the teacher a lot of time from copying on the board because the material can be prepared beforehand for the children to read and when necessary copied in their copybooks. One of the advantages of this method is that the teacher never gives his/her back to the students. At some other time it is also convenient in the lower grades that the teacher hand write things on the board so that the students can copy the how to write. In the lower grades children are learning how to model each letter and hand write or print sentences. In Argentina children are expected to go from capital print to small print