How To Write A Synthesis Essay

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As years flew by, a technological revolution quickly unraveled, transforming the world completely. Emails replaced letter, texts took over phone calls, and computers substituted textbooks. Technology fastened the pace of our life and provided larger opportunities. Moreover, bringing technology into schools can transform the school environment completely. However, while technology in schools brings many, benefits before using particular technologies in curriculum schools must consider all the negative consequences that appear due to technology. Schools start of the year with passing out bundles of large textbooks to students to carry with them every day to school. However, textbooks are heavy and once students reach higher level classes the weight of the books they must carry becomes atrociously heavy. Yet, students must learn and eliminating textbooks all together isn’t an option. This is where technology saves the day! Some schools, such as Empire …show more content…

Technology brings a whole new world in the form of the ‘world wide web.’ Internet brings a new pace to the obtainment of information, yet the quick pace doesn’t always leave enough time to fully comprehend the information. This creates trouble in all aspects of society, but it especially deteriorates the growing minds of students. This “information-rich, time-compressed environment…seems to stifle a child’s imagination” (Source C) and children slowly lose the capability to think for themselves. Schools must consider this when deciding to implement new electronics into the life of students. Furthermore, this ‘side effect’ of technology can be so dangerous that schools would do well to think thoroughly how the new technology will impact students. Otherwise, the extensive amounts of “processed information” can backfire and children will lose “their ability to process information for themselves” (Source