
Discussing The Purpose Of Beyonce's Advertisements

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The purpose of this advertisements is for Beyoncé, a female singer, to portray her new fragrance “Heat” with all the qualities that are associated with her. The advert is very provocative with ‘sexy chic’ imagery and gives the impression that anyone who uses this fragrance will be sexy and powerful. This advertisement is targeting females as she as seen as an iconic feminist symbol across the world. It would target people who want to impress their friends and potentially make themselves believe they could attract new lovers. It may also be targeted at females who too, want to be powerful women like Beyoncé. The ad may also be seen by men, where they see an attractive woman and are encouraged to buy this for their partners in the hope they will be like Beyoncé. This advertisement is in the form of print which would feature in female readership magazines. …show more content…

Her ad is much like the usual perfume ad. A model is central in the image which has an element of importance. Any model could have been used in the advertisement, however the choice of Beyoncé to model the fragrance associates it with her quality of sexual nature, attractiveness and female dominance. Rule of thirds is used in the ad which attractions attention to her face, chest and open legs. Strong eye contact is made with the camera which engages with the audience, to make them believe it is much more than a fantasy. Dominance is portrayed through the angle she is standing on and the camera is almost at an angle which is looking up at her. She is position high in the image to not only have her cleavage central, but to position connation her high position in society, which is a metaphor for her power

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