Diversity In The Workplace Essay

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Diversity Management as an extension of Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO) and

Affirmative Action (AA) is defined as the creation of a positive work environment in which all

of its individual employees work together “harmoniously” (Klinger, Nalbandian & Llorens,

2010). It also looks to create social equity within an organization by making sure all employees

within numerous diverse backgrounds are being heard and have their individual needs taken care

of as well as given equal opportunities to express their diverse points of view (Soni, 2000).

Diversity Management is often mistaken as an interchangeable phrase for Equal Employment

Opportunity or Affirmative Action but it is entirely its own entity and goes further in its efforts …show more content…

America’s population has grown and become more diverse than ever before. In order

to accommodate these citizens, policies and programs have been created to manage this

diverse population and to promote representative bureaucracy. Beginning in 1964 with the Civil

Rights Act, social equity has been a big discussion in the workforce, not only in the public sector

but also in non-profits and in the private sector (Holzer & Neumark, 2006). The Equal

Employment Opportunity Act of 1972 allowed minorities and women the ability to be treated

fairly and equally within the employment process regardless of their gender or race (Holzer &

Neumark, 2006). Not to be confused with Affirmative Action, this policy mandates legislation

employers have to follow in order to equalize employment opportunities and growth for

minorities and women (Holzer & Neumark, 2006). These policies protect employers and allow

them to fix past discrimination issues that Equal Employment Opportunities failed to address

(Klinger, Nalbandian & Llorens, 2000).

These programs and policies of social equity have gone a long way in assisting