Doctoral Degree Application Essay

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“You will never do anything in this world without courage. It is the greatest quality of the mind next to honor” (Aristotle, 2016). There are a few justifications in regards to my pursuance of the Doctoral Degree. I have derived from humble beginnings. Observing of my mentors, I have set goals for myself that will generate a life of prosperity and well-being and, I have adopted the motto: “Every survivor has the right to become a Thriver. The phrase simply gives you the right to be whatever you like, whenever you want to be it” (HAVOCA, 2014). My chose to pursue the Doctoral degree affiliates my goal of finishing what I begin. I will expunge the links of perversion from my future generations by consummating ‘normal’ goals and pursuing a professional career. I want to send a message to all survivors that they can live healthy, normal lives and achieve any goals they set for themselves. Also, I realize that the first step begins in my healing process. …show more content…

Incorporated in my life is a perpetual reminder that I have to put more effort in every task compared to someone that lived a healthy childhood. I have chosen to pursue my education as a non-traditional student with what some could define as ‘learning barriers”. When a child is abused at a young age, the results are devastating. Studies discovered that abuse during a young age affects the development of a child’s brain which impacts written and oral communication skills (Friedman, 2010). In a separate journal I discovered the learning delays are due to the damages caused to the cortex which is associated with rational thinking, and the hippocampus, which helps process memories and emotions (Hubacher, 2007). The impression that partook from conducting a personal SWOT is that it is vital to the success of my doctoral program. The results help the student recognize areas of strength and weaknesses in order to devise a strategy plan in completing the